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My head was dizzy, my eyes hurt and so did my arms.

I tried to pull my hands up to my head but found them to be bounded. My sore eyes shot open and I was greeted by a metallic ceiling with a light bulb.

My eyes immediately closed, opening up slowly getting use to the light. I shuffled and felt soft sheets beneath me.

I was on a bed, I turned my head to the side to see an empty room with one white plastic chair.

My hands were bounded to the bed head and my feet to the other end.

Where was I? The last thing I remembered was being at the Grand Canyon... And that woman fighting me. She and her daughter put something at my nose, drugging me!

I pulled at the restrains, I need to get out. What if they were trying to kill me? What if I was going to be a victim to human trafficking?

I had watched enough documentaries to know that it's a nasty thing. I was just 10 I had my whole life ahead of me.

My mother must be going out of her mind, worrying, crying and getting every known force on the earth to find me.

Suddenly, the creak of the door opening caught my attention. A lady with red hair, blue eyes and olive tone skin came through. I sucked in a breath it was Ms. Blaze. My principal.

She was involve in this, was the school a way to get victims for this human trafficking thing.

Was she like the Boss's main chick? Or was she like one of the side chicks.

She came over to me, she had a tray with food in her hand. She placed it on the table beside me, untied the ropes that bounded my hands to the bed head and sat me up.

After bounding my hands together and turning to the tray, she placed a spoon with soup near my mouth which caused me to shake my head and shuffle back.

"Eat it!" she urged, rolling her eyes.

I shook my head. She continued urged me a few more times before her anger took over and she gripped my cheeks forcing the soup into my mouth.

My cheek and tongue burned as the soup touched it.

She released me and I spat the soup at her. Ms. Blaze dropped the spoon and grabbed her face, crying out as the soup burns her.

"You little bitch!" she stormed over after recovering.

I hold up my hands bracing myself as she held up her hand, aiming to hit me.

She almost succeeded, but she was stopped when a man came into view, grabbing her wrist.

He was tall with long, shiny blonde hair, cool blue eyes and dear I say had the face of angel – but, a bad aroma emitting from him

Was this the Boss?

"I'll take her Elia," he said in a stern voice, glancing over at Ms. Blaze.

Ms. Blaze left, closing the metal door behind her and by the slam she wasn't too happy.

She left me here with a strange man.

The man pulled the chair to the bed and sat beside me. He reached over and I flinched back.

"I won't hurt you, my little gem," he said with a thick Spanish accent.

His words were soft and reassuring. I shouldn't trust him but, I had to cooperate. I was on his field, if I resisted he could really hurt me.

I stared at him as he reached over and untied my hands then, my legs. I rubbed my wrists and swollen ankles.

Obviously, he thought I was not threat to him. He was right to think so. I couldn't fight him and even if by some miracle I did knock him out, there were others on the other side of the door.

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