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I sat on the side of my bed staring at the ceiling, my thoughts going haywire.

I just met my father an hour ago. The same man that killed my mother and grandparents. I met my murder of a father hours after almost getting raped.

Ha, life had a sick sense of humour.

I hissed as the doctor kneeling in front of me cleaned and wrapped my wounded leg, having taken care of the scratches on my body minutes before. The ointment she had rubbed on my skin was burning through my flesh but she told me that it was normal, something about fighting bacteria and preventing infection.

"Okay, your leg will be operational in a few days if you keep off it and allow it to rest. It was only a flesh wound, you're lucky it didn't hit the bone," she stated rising to her feet before grabbing her leather bag. "I'll tell jefe that you need to be taken for missions for a few days."

Doctor Lees was a tall, willowy woman with ebony hair and dark eyes. She looked Asian but her accent was as American as can be. She was in a simple black dress and a pair flats.

Doctor Lees was a woman who got caught up in this life through her delinquent son. He had entered Giovanni's gang as a way of acting out. When the reality of his situation hit him, he went home crying to his mother who came to an understanding with Giovanni.

Having a rich, privilege doctor under his control had helped him greatly over the last few years. That was how he wormed his way into the higher-class crowd and now had Atlanta's future mayor under his control...

"Thank you," I said as I ran a hand through my wild hair in exhaustion.

"I think those painkillers are kicking in now..." I said with a yawn as my body goes numb.

"That's good," she chuckled. "Now, you get cleaned up, eat a little bit more and get some well-deserved sleep."

She placed her hand on my shoulder affectionately and I noticed I was still in the dirty sundress from earlier. Now, I was looking forward to a bath, I needed time to process all of this and relax.

The room door suddenly opened and Vanni stepped into the room with a bottle of water and a sandwich in his hands. He was still in his clothes from earlier but his wounds had been cleaned up a little.

Doctor Lees smiled at him repeating what she had to be before bidding us farewell and exiting the room. Vanni placed the food on the nightstand beside my bed before sitting beside me and cupping my face. My eyes are droopy as I looked at him but I was still able to make out what he was trying to say.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he said and before I knew it, I was lifted and my dress removed from my body, leaving me in my underwear.

I was then lifted and carried into a cool room before my ass was greeted by cold tiles. This caused me to squeal and I focused long enough to see that I was on the face basin's counter. Water started to run and I sighed as a cool rag touches my face.

Vanni dutifully cleaned my skin with the rag and I rested my head on the mirror behind me, slowly nodding off.

KISA was so sweet, he protected me and kept me safe. He was the only person in my life I could depend on. I never want to lose him... He may had left me all those years ago but he had his reasons... He cared so much about me and I cared deeply for him. I had spent nights crying and wishing for him to be with me again, when he left. At age twelve, I had found someone who got me and treated me as if I was his world...and here he was again, putting my wellbeing first...

"You know I love you, right KISA?" I mumbled and I heard him take a sharp intake of breath. "I mean you are so sweet and kind. You make me smile and I can't help the butterflies frolicking in my stomach when I see you."

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