Fan Boy

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Prompt: Can you do one where Niall is a secret Harry girl and Harry finds his tumblr fan account dedicated to him where he can secretly interact with other fans and Harry girls without anyone knowing?


Harry was curious. They had gotten to the venue an hour or so ago and as soon as they reached the dressing room, Niall had taken his laptop and claimed an out of the way corner in the room. He hadn’t moved from that corner, working away at whatever was on the screen, shielding his computer screen from the other lads whenever they had tried to see what he was doing, or convince him to come and do something with them before the show. Now Harry was immensely curious and Niall had finally agreed to go out with Louis and play a game of footie, so he had left his laptop where it was, expecting it to lock on its own. Harry waited until Liam left the room too, not wanting him to accuse Harry of snooping, and then Harry crossed the room and sat down in the corner, pulling Niall’s Macbook into his own lap.

The first think Harry notices is that the Firefox browser is open to Tumblr. Harry curiously scrolls down Niall’s dashboard, not having known that Niall had a Tumblr blog. His dashboard is full of things Harry would have expected, like photos of guitars, and some of his favourite bands and singers performing, gif sets of highlights in recent football games, gif sets from the Australian Golf Opening, and Harry finds it entertaining that there are also a couple gif sets of the 5SOS lads in interviews. Harry knows how much Niall loves those lads. What Harry doesn’t expect is all of the photos, HQ and candid, of him, out and about, or in interviews, shows or photoshoots. Harry scrolls for a second or 2 more, counting about 16 photos of himself.

There is another tab open and it seems to be someone’s personal Tumblr blog. Harry clicks to the next tab and examines the blog that had opened. It was clearly a fan account dedicated to Harry himself, with a couple other photos here and there, not Harry related. Harry reads the bio underneath the icon, which happened to be a photo of Harry;

Hi, I’m James and I guess you could call me a boy directioner. I’m a huuuuuuuuuuge Harry girl but shh, don’t tell Harry that ;) Feel free to message me whenever! I love talking to you guys!

Harry is about to dismiss it as another fan obsessing over the band and go to the final tab that was open, when he spots a post on the blog written by James.

Hey guys, so you know that guy I like? Well he did the thing again. You know, the thing? The thing where he gets all cuddly with me and gets my hopes up and then crushes them by playing it all off as a joke? Yeah. That thing. Anyway, today he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me really close to his face and when I seriously though he was going to kiss me, he just grinned, winked, walked away and started messing with one of my other mates. I’m losing hope here guys! He says things that make me thing I have a chance, but then entirely plays off all of his advances as jokes! I can’t take it anymore. I’m either going to have to kiss him myself, or forget about it (which would be v hard because I’m with him almost every day).

-James xx

Something about the post nags at the back of Harry’s mind, and all too suddenly Harry is struck by a memory. Yesterday Harry and all of the lads were doing a couple interviews and in the hall on the way to their first one, Harry had grabbed Niall by the waist and nearly kissed him, before stopping himself and leaving fast, so he could hide his blush at what he had almost done. He had headed over to Zayn and Zayn had mentioned the pink colouring Harry’s cheeks, so Harry had given him a little shove.

Harry’s heart speeds up and he scrolls frantically down the blog some more, searching for any more information. That situation had been far too similar to be a coincidence. Harry finds another post, and has hit the jackpot;

Hey, so you guys have been asking me for selfies and Q&A’s a lot recently, so I’ve decided to address it. I can’t post a selfie for… reasons, but I can do a quick Q&A, so I’ll do one now.

Q: What do you look like?

A: I have blue eyes and blonde hair (though I’m a natural brunette!), I’m really pale and about 1.71m

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m Irish!

Q: How old are you?

A: 21

Q: What is your favourite colour?

A: Blue

Harry stares at the first 4 questions and answers. No way. No fucking way. This was not Niall’s Tumblr blog. Harry now takes note of the few reblogged photos of Bon Jovi and the Eagles on stage and of the photos of Derby County winning their most recent match and just stares in disbelief. No. Fucking. Way.

Harry is still trying to accept the information he just received when the door to the dressing room opens and in walks Niall. He takes one look at Harry with his computer, looking shell shocked and his mouth drops open and he turns bright red.

“Did- did you just go through my computer…?” Niall asks in a nervous voice. Harry stands up quickly, leaving the computer on the floor and swallows hard. He had just been caught snooping by the person he was snooping. Now it is Harry’s turn to blush.

“N-no?” he asks, as more of a question than an answer. Niall’s face contorts now from embarrassment to anger.

“What the fuck Harry!” Niall exclaims. He takes a couple steps and snatches up his Ray Bans, what he had assumedly come back for, and then whirls around and storms out. It takes Harry’s brain a second to kick in, and then he is racing after Niall.

“Niall! Niall wait!” He calls down the hall, after Niall’s quickly retreating back.

“Fuck off Harry!” Niall spits, not slowing down. Harry is only about an inch taller than Niall, but his strides are still longer, so he catches Niall at a quick jog, since Niall was only walking fast. Harry grabs Niall’s arm and Niall spins around, face a mask of anger. Harry is surprised to see Niall, care free, chilled out Niall, so angry, but he still notices the look of fear in Niall’s eyes at being discovered.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Niall grits out.

“I-“ Harry begins, but Niall cuts him off, yanking his arm from Harry’s grasp.

“You had no right going through my computer Harry! That was a really dick-“ Niall begins, but this time Harry interrupts him by kissing Niall hard. Niall is so surprised he doesn’t even kiss back and when Harry pulls away, the anger that was previously on Niall’s face is gone, replaced by a look of shock.

“You- you-“ Niall stutters, clearly at a loss for words. Harry smiles easily.

“Yeah, I guess you could say I found what I was looking for”


Thank you to Primadonnastoran for the prompt!

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