best fans in t world !

956 50 7

Niall unlocks his phone and taps on the twitter icon. He waits for his timeline to refresh and suddenly it's all caps. He wonders what has set the fans off and scrolls curiously. In all honesty it could be anything. Maybe paps got a picture of Liam shirtless somewhere. Maybe Zayn had taken a trip out to the shops. Maybe Louis was at a party. Maybe Harry was papped out with a female friend (because whenever Harry is out with a girl they are automatically dating, right?).

One tweet in particular catches his eye and he reads it a couple times.


Are you shitting me?

Niall thinks incrediously. They had done it. Management had even taken extra precaution this time to avoid the album leaking. Password protection, no multiple copies stored in places with easy access. Niall feels like he should probably feel a bit disappointed but for some reason he finds it hilarious and laughter bubbles up as he continues scroll. Pretty soon he is clutching his stomach as he laughs loudly, eyes squeezed shut.

"What's so funny?" Harry pokes his head into the room and peers at Niall curiously. Niall takes a moment to gather himself and then holds up his phone to show a tweet. Harry reads it and his eyes widen.


Harry shakes his head and sighs.

"How do they do it every year?" Niall shrugs and stands up, chest to chest with Harry, smiling up at him.

"They'll still buy it when it comes out because they support us, but this is like an early present for them I guess. I'm glad they're enjoying it." Harry smiles and nods as Niall pecks his lips briefly and skips out of the room still grinning.

This one was inspired by the album leaking, if you didn't pick up on that.
Not much Narry, but cut me some slack please.
I'm really sick. Getting loads of writing finished, but no sleeping. My body won't let me and that's what I really need right now.
Turns out I have strep throat (idk if that's universal but oh well), and now I'm on antibiotics. Hopefully I'll feel better in a couple days, but we'll see.
Until then, more drabbles to come!

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