How Can I Make It Up To You?

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Prompt: One where Niall and Harry get into a fight and then Harry finds a way to apologize very sweetly and cutely.


"You hungry?" Niall ignores Harry's question and keeps his eyes glued to the footie match on the television. Harry swallows hard before giving it another go.

"Want me to order take away?" After being ignored by Niall for the second time, Harry stands with a huff and exits the room irritatedly. This was the second day. Harry flops down onto his and Niall's bed once he reaches the room and closes his eyes. This was only the third time Harry can remember that Niall has ever been this angry at him. Harry sighs. It was the third time, but every time had been his own, stupid, fault.

The first time, Niall had planned a special dinner for the two of them, but the day of Harry had forgotten, and instead of going home right after work, he had gone out to a pub with some mates. Niall didn't speak to him for a week.

The second time, Niall had planned a huge surprise party for his best mate Louis and the night before the party, Harry had gone out and gotten wasted, had drunk dialed Louis and told him the entire plan. Niall didn't speak to him for 2 weeks that time.

This time, Niall had planned a trip for the two of them to Ireland for a couple weeks to visit Niall's family who he hadn't seen in about 6 months, and also to be there for his nephew's 1st birthday. Harry had forgotten and scheduled several meetings with client's for the first week that they were supposed to be there, including one on Theo's birthday. Harry reckoned if he didn't do something soon, he wouldn't be talking to Niall for about 3 weeks at least. Maybe a month.

Harry groans and thinks hard. He would just cancel the meetings but a couple of them have some major cases coming up and he, as their attorney, couldn't just cancel a meeting that could yield important information. Like how to keep them out of jail for instance. How could he make this major screw up, up to his fiancé? His last meeting was on the 16th, Theo's birthday, but it ended at about 9am...

Harry sits up as an idea begins to form. He pulls his phone out and scrolls through his contacts until he reaches the M's. He selects one M name in particular and brings the phone up to his ear as it rings. After a moment he hears the click and an Irish accent asks 'Hello?'

"Hi Maura, it's Harry. I was wondering if you would help me out with something important..."


Niall's thumbs drum agitatedly on the steering wheel as he nears his mother's house. He glances over at his bags piling the passengers seat and glares, looking back out the windscreen. Harry should have been sitting there. Niall is brooding so severely he nearly misses the turn into his old neighbourhood, but catches it just in time.

Niall thinks back to the hour just before he had left his and Harry's flat for Ireland. Harry had chased him around as Niall had packed some last minute items and collected his bags by the door. He kept apologizing and saying how much he wished he could make it up to Niall. Niall had ignored it all.

Harry was supposed to be here! It was Niall's nephew's first birthday for gods sake! It was Harry's future nephew! Niall could barely think about having to explain to Theo where Uncle Harry was. The kid adored Harry! He may not understand much at his age, but he would for sure notice that one of his 2 favourite Uncles was missing in attendance.

Niall pulls into the driveway of his old house and turns off the car with a heavy sigh. He had to get it together. His mother was expecting her usual happy, carefree son to walk through that door right about now. Not the angry, disappointed one sitting in the car at the moment. Then again, she was expecting her happy, carefree son alongside his charming, cheeky fiancé.

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