Happy Little Pill

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Niall hated this feeling. The feeling he had once he came down. Or rather, the lack of feeling. He lay on his back in the rickety cot in their rather shabby New York flat, staring blankly at the ceiling. Harry was splayed out in the arm chair in the corner, staring into space much like Niall was, also coming down from a high.

The drone of the city just outside the window, the beeping of car horns, the squeal of tires, the rev of engines, seemed particularly loud tonight. The light from car head lamps, shops, street lamps and if you squinted hard enough, a star or two illuminated the room periodically.

Niall sits up feeling like his world was in slow motion and realizes how parched he is. He picks up the half full beer bottle from the night stand and takes a large swig, swiping his hand across the back of his mouth once he swallows. Harry's attention is drawn lethargically and he turns his glazed eyes to focus on Niall somewhat. He holds out a hand and Niall leans forward, handing him the beer bottle.

Niall stands and exits the small room as Harry's arm drops after sipping on the warm liquid and he is gone once again. Niall heads to the kitchenette and swipes a bottle of tequila out of the fridge, or as he and Harry had come to call it, liquid life. Niall feels the burn down his throat and he imagines it sinking all the way to that empty space where he believes his heart should be. He was feeling rather hollow recently so he figures maybe the cocaine and tequila could replace the heart that seems to have taken a leave of absence.

Niall glances around slowly, taking in his and Harry's sparsely furnished flat, seeing it all in black and white. Niall takes a last mouthful of the burning liquid before putting it back in the fridge and heading back to the room, wanting nothing more than to escape his depressing existence once again.

Harry is now sitting on the cot with his back against the wall and Niall grabs 4 capsules from the night stand before joining him. Harry pulls Niall to his chest and gives him a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Not many did recently. Niall holds his palm open and Harry accepts 2 of the happy little pills. They stare into each other's eyes as they swallow both pills together, reading from the other the very same thing that they themselves were feeling.

Take me away, dry my eyes, bring colour to my skies, my sweet little pills. Take my hunger, light within, numb my skin.

So I'm not exactly sure where this came from to be honest...

Troye's song Happy Little Pill came out yesterday and I fell in love, and while I was listening to it last night, this kinda happened...

I hope you liked it though...

-Sam xx

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