I Think You Talk Like An Angel

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"Ni?" Niall hears his best friend's voice sound from the doorway of the dark music room. Niall was slouched in the corner, fingers plucking gently at the strings of his guitar. This was where he came whenever he needed a break and only those closest to him knew where to look when he was no where to be found. Niall shifts a bit, but the slight action catches Harry's attention and he enters the room, closing the door behind him and beginning to make his way over. He bumps into a keyboard in the dark of the room and mutters a quiet curse word, pulling out his phone and clicking the screen on to light his way. Harry silently takes a seat beside Niall, leaning against the wall. The room is silent for a moment, the only noise being Niall plucking some unnamed tune on the guitar.

"What's up?" Harry asks quietly. Niall doesn't answer right away.

"Nothing." Niall answers quietly.

"Really?" Harry asks in the same quiet tone. Niall sighs as his fingers still on the neck of the guitar.

"Tell me about it." Harry presses.

"L-Louis. H-he was an-an-an-" Niall stops suddenly, fist clenching and giving his head a sharp shake. He hated feeling like a broken record.

"He w-was antagonizing m-m-me. The t-t-teacher called on m-me in c-c-class s-so I answered. After class, he started m-mocking me. Him and L-L-Liam f-f-followed me to my locker. T-they didn't s-stop until the bell. E-e-everyone walking b-by just laughed." Niall finishes quietly. Harry waits patiently for Niall to finish, knowing how frustrated Niall's impediment made him.

"I'm sorry Ni." Harry apologizes for the actions of others. He wished he could have been there to tell Louis off but he was finishing a Maths test so he couldn't meet Niall at his locker like usual.

"It's n-not like you c-could h-have stopped him."

"No, but I could have been there with you." Harry says simply. Niall plays a single A minor chord, the sad sound ringing out in the silence of the room.

"W-w-why do you stick a-around Harry? You could h-h-have so many f-f-friends. But n-now y-y-you have the re-re-re-re-" Niall stops once again, exhaling in frustration. Harry raises his hand to Niall's arm in a small gesture telling him to calm down, and that it was okay.

"Reputation of being friends with the f-f-f-freak." Harry sighs as Niall finishes bitterly.

"You're not a freak Niall." Harry says quietly.

"N-no. But I s-sound l-like one." Niall's fists are clenched tightly and Harry feels his heart squeeze sadly. No one understood. Harry slides his hand down Niall's arm and prods at Niall's clenched fist until it loosens and he can slide their fingers together. Harry rests his head on Niall's shoulder and they sit in silence for a couple minutes.

"I know it doesn't make it better, but I really am sorry about Louis and Liam. They have no right treating you like they do." Harry says. Niall squeezes Harry's hand gently.

"D-don't apologize f-for them. I-it's j-just how t-they are." Harry waits for a moment before speaking again.

"I love you Ni."

"I l-love you t-t-t-t-" Niall stops and lets out a defeated breath.

"I s-sound l-like a ch-ch-child."

"Hey, its alright," Harry assures "take your time. What does your speech therapist say?" Niall takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

"G-geting worked u-up m-makes it worse."

"There you go." The room is silent once again for a moment.

"Y-y'know, I n-never st-st-stutter when I s-say your name." Niall says absent mindedly. Harry smirks and sits up again.

"Well then maybe you'll have to say it more often," Niall can't see Harry in the dark but he can definitely hear the smirk in his voice.

"Cheeky." He smiles amd Harry chuckles.

"Ready to go? It's lunch and I'm starving." Harry says, standing up and tugging Niall up with him. Niall agrees and quickly puts his guitar back into it's case and grabbing Harry's hand again. They exit the room together, but before they start towards the cafeteria, Niall tugs Harry's hand and they stop.

"H-hey, thank y-you Harry." Harry just smiles.

"No problem. Wanna know why?" Niall raises his eyebrows in question and Harry grins before continuing.

"Because I l-l-love you." He teases. Niall just grins and leans in, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's lips.


This idea blossomed from the sudden slew of Stutter!Niall AU's I've started reading for no apparent reason.
I hope you enjoyed it!
The title is from the fic called Stutter by StutteringNarry.
I have my first exam tomorrow (maths ew) so this week there'll be a few updates. Stay tuned!

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