Hair Cut

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Harry pulls open the door to the salon and steps inside, heading up to the counter.

"Harry Styles" he offers as the girl asks for his name to find his appointment. While she does Harry runs a hand through his wild curly hair. It was annoyingly long now so he had tied it back with a bandana but it was still curling over the edges. Once he had been pulling his hair back into a pony tail for a few weeks he had decided that it was high time for a hair cut. He glances around, noticing that his regular hair dresser, Lou, wasn't where she normally was.

"Uh, is Lou here?" He inquires.

"Louise had an emergency with her daughter this morning so she hasn't come into work yet. One of our newer employees has been filling in for her today. The clients have been extremely impressed in his skills so far" the girl explains. Harry nods, glancing up to see a blond man coming towards him. He absentmindedly hopes that everything is alright with Lou and Lux before the man reaches him.

"Are you Harry?" The man beams at him. Harry nods and the man beckons.

"Come this way" Harry follows him and they stop at a chair where Harry takes a seat.

"So what are we doing today Harry?" the man asks before adding; "oh by the way, my Name is Niall"

"Um just a trim..." Harry says a tad nervous. He hated it when his hair got cut too short and Lou knew just what length he liked. This Niall didn't. Come to think of it, how was he a fully certified hair dresser already? He looked like he couldn't be much older than Harry himself, and Harry was only 21. Niall slides the bandana off of Harry's head and musses his hair up to get a good look. He runs his fingers through it and hums quietly.

"You've got soft hair" a small smile quirks the corners of Harry's mouth as he stands and Niall leads him to the sinks. Harry takes a seat once again, leaning back to have his hair washed. He feels the warm water soaking his hair and then Niall lathering minty smelling shampoo into his hair. Niall scrubs at Harry's scalp with the pads of his fingers and Harry hums in appreciation.

"This is my favourite part too. Feels nice" Niall comments hearing Harry's noise of enjoyment. Harry closes his eyes and melts as Niall's fingers massage his head. Sooner than he would have liked Niall is finished and he is back in the chair previous as Niall lightly pat dries his now limp curls so that they are no longer dripping. He grabs a pair of scissors and hovers over Harry, mentally measuring and calculating where and how much to trim.

"Do you want your hair at your ears? Or shorter?" Niall asks, cocking his head to the side cutely.

"At, yeah" Harry supplies. Niall nods once, then biting on his bottom lip in an attractive way, sets to work, snipping off locks of hair. When he finishes he squirts a palm full of product into his hand and works it through Harry's still damp hair, then blow dries it. When he is finished Harry examines his hair and a grin breaks onto his face. It was perfect.

"How is it?" Niall asks sounding a bit nervous. Harry smiles up at him.

"Perfect" Niall lets out a whoosh of air and a smile slides onto his face.

"Oh good. I would have been so sad if I had ruined your beautiful curls." Harry chuckles lightly even as he feels heat rising into his cheeks at being complimented by this stranger.

"I hope I'll see you again sometime Harry" Niall says, squeezing his shoulder before walking away, and Harry hopes so too.

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