We Put Love First

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"Hello?" Harry croaks into his phone, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he blinks at the LED display on his clock. He had slept in a bit, seeing as it was now 10 in the morning, but thanks to his perpetual jetlag from touring, he felt like it was 10pm and he had been awake since 8am.

"You're in LA, yeah?" he hears the familiar Irish accented voice ask through the phone.

"Yeah, I thought I told you that?" Harry yawns, wondering vaguely why it sounded like Niall was in a tunnel as he rolls into an upright position. Now that he's awake, what is there to do? Harry considers going for a run, or he could start that television show he's been wanting to watch for a while now...

"I was just making sure. Did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but I needed to get up anyway." Harry concedes, deciding to head down to the kitchen and see what he felt like doing after a steaming mug of tea.

"Sorry. What are you up to right now?"

"Well, since you literally just woke me up, I'm still in bed, but I'm probably gonna go make some tea now." Harry explains, opting not to bother putting on any clothing. Boxers are clothing enough when you are the only one home.

"Tea sounds great right now, make me some?"


"Hey, you remember that bad ass leather jacket I was thinking about buying the other day?" Niall cuts off Harry's question, and Harry isn't awake enough to follow the sudden subject change, so he just follows Niall's cheerful chatter as he makes his way to the kitchen.

"The one that made you look really fit?" Harry asks, making sure the kettle is filled with water before turning it on as he listens to Niall chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, that's the one. Anyway, I decided not to get it."


"Just thought I should let you know." Niall explains like it's the most obvious reason in the world. Harry can't help the faint smile that creeps on to his face. The way that Niall can make the most irrelevant things seem meaningful is endearing to Harry. The beep of a car's horn in the background makes Harry's eyebrows raise.

"You're not at your flat?"

"Nope, m'out. Been busy today." Niall confirms. Harry pauses, hand halfway to the cupboard to select a mug.

"You've been busy."


"While we're on break."

"Yep." This was actually a strange occurrence for Niall. He was actually a rather private person sometimes, and when it came to break you'd be hard pressed getting him to leave his flat. In fact, he rarely left bed until 1 or 2 in the afternoon most days.

"Strange, innit?" Harry can hear the smile in his voice and that seems to snap him out of his frozen state.

"Quite."Harry drops a teabag into a mug and then pours the boiled water over top of the small sachet.

"You should answer your door," Niall says suddenly. Harry is confused. He hadn't heard the doorbell ring...

"There's no one-" Just as he is about to tell Niall no one was there, there are 3 solid knocks on the front door.

"Niall, how did you..." Harry trails off as he slowly pads to the door. He got a feeling he already knew the answer to that question as he reaches out and unlocks the door. He opens it to see Niall returning his phone to his pocket and pulling off his sunglasses to hook on the front of his shirt.

"Hey Harry, did you make me some tea?"Is the first thing Niall says.

"No..." Harry frowns in confusion, stepping aside to let the blond man in. Niall kicks off his shoes and drops his backpack at the foot of the stairs as he heads towards the kitchen.

"Guess I'll have to make my own then," Niall sighs, smile curving the corners of his mouth upwards. Harry trails after Niall, relatively lost.

"I thought you were in London...?" Harry asks aimlessly.

"I was, but then I thought about you being a weirdo and not coming home with us and figured you might like some company."Niall explains as if it made perfect sense as he prepares his own mug of tea.

"You flew out here this morning just to keep me company?" Niall turns his smile to Harry now as his hands still and he nods.

"Of course," Harry's face softens and a fond smile grows on his lips.

"Now get your tea and let's go back to bed. I had to get up at an ungodly hour this morning to make my flight." Niall yawns. Harry obliges and obediently follows Niall up the stairs and back into his bedroom. Harry takes up residence on his bed, back leaning against the headboard while Niall sheds his clothing until he too is in his boxers. Niall slips between Harry's legs, back leaning against Harry's chest as they sip at their tea. Niall's finger traces small circular patterns into Harry's thigh in a thoughtful way.

"I only told you half of the truth earlier..." he trails off and Harry hums, nudging the back of Niall's neck with his nose.

"I was thinking about how weird you are, but I also decided to come because it's really hard to fall asleep when you're not next to me." Niall admits, seemingly more to himself than to Harry. Harry feels an enthralling flutter in his chest and presses a kiss to the back of Niall's neck, extracting a shiver from him.

"Well I'm here now."Is what Harry mumbles in response. Like an unspoken decision, they both place their empty mugs on the bedside table and curl up under the covers, wrapped in each other's arms until the steady rhythm of their slowing breaths and the silent thrum of their hearts lulls them to sleep.


Someone teach me how to end drabbles...

-Sam xx

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