You Look The Best Naked

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Prompt: Could you make one about the interview with Harry and niall, where Harry said he wasn't impressed with what he saw, and niall gets insecure. With cuddling and tons of fluff. Thank you! :)

The interview video is linked :)


"Have you ever not washed your hands after going the toilet?"

Niall's sign stays on 'yes' and he peeks over at Harry's to see what he says.

"There was no tap!" Harry exclaims almost defensively. They chat briefly about that situation before moving on. Niall knew the point of interviews were to get information on tours and albums and things they would be doing as a group soon, but Niall always enjoyed these little rapid fire rounds some interviewers put in. Right now he and Harry were sitting on a sofa in Australia with a couple men, Fitzy and Wippa from Nova FM, sitting opposite them, holding ping pong paddles with 'yes' and 'no' stickers on the front and back. Niall always enjoyed the interviews with just Harry and him because for one thing, interviews with all 5 of them were always hugely chaotic and giant messes, and for another, he loved being able to spend 1 on 1 time with Harry, even if technically it was 1 on 2 because of the interviewer. Niall and Harry still found little moments to cast loving glances (that sent the Narry shippers crazy) at each other.

“Have you ever seen another band member naked?” Is the next question. Niall wonders how truthfully he should answer that, mind instantly going to the night before and what Harry and he had gotten up to in Harry’s hotel room. Truth be told, Niall was a bit surprised he wasn’t sore… He holds up the ‘yes’ sign after a second, and Harry does too.

“Were you impressed?” Harry instantly turns his sign to the ‘no’ side and Niall is a bit surprised, and oddly, wounded. He knows Harry is being funny but to be honest he had kind of expected at least him to ‘jokingly’ say yes. Niall hesitates a bit too long before turning his paddle to ‘no’ also and shaking his head to try and cover the fact that he had almost left it on ‘yes’. A fake probably a bit awkward looking small smile is frozen on Niall’s face as the interview ends. Soon they are thanking the men and are finally allowed to take toilet breaks.

Niall rushes out of the room a tad too fast, drawing Harry’s attention on his way to the toilets. He didn’t actually have to go, he just needed to get his head in order. Niall locks himself in a cubicle and takes a couple deep breaths, willing his irrational hurt feelings to go away. Of course he couldn’t have expected Harry to be truthful, but to be honest now he was kind of wondering if Harry had been telling the truth…

“Niall?” Niall hears Harry’s voice call as he enters the toilets. Niall takes a breath and exhales, feeling kind of deflated, before unlocking the cubicle and heading for the basins even though technically he didn’t have to wash his hands.

“Ni, you alright?” Harry asks, coming to stand at Niall’s shoulder and affectionately grazing his knuckles along Niall’s jaw. Niall nods, not answering and walks away from Harry, grabbing paper towel to dry his hands with. Niall turns back around once he is finished and sees a funny look on Harry’s face.

“Are you sure…?” Harry asks now in a confused voice.

“Yeh.” Niall responds, heading for the door of the toilet now. Harry grabs Niall’s left arm on his way by though and tugs Niall back to face him.

“You’re lying.” He states.

“What’s wrong?” Niall looks away, knowing how stupid he was being, but being unable to convince himself that Harry had, in fact, been joking.

“Nothing” Harry stares at Niall for a long moment and then his eyes widen a bit.

“Wait; is this about that last question we answered?” Niall shakes his head, but feels his face heat, betraying his lie.

“Aw babe, I wasn’t telling the truth of course!” Niall looks at Harry now, mouth opening, but he can’t think of anything to say.

“I was just saying that because I knew people would get the wrong idea, even if I had played it off as a joke!” Niall feels instant relief and a small smile slips onto his face.

“I just didn’t want to have to deal with people tweeting me about how my answer was about Louis, when it was really about you.” Niall takes a step forward now, into Harry’s arms and wraps his own around Harry’s waist.

“You’re the only person who I was impressed when I saw naked.” Harry grins. Niall returns the grin and Harry hugs Niall tight.

“Let’s go cuddle before we have to go back to the hotel.” Harry suggests. Niall nods and they head back out to the dressing room they were assigned. Harry spreads out on the sofa and Niall joins him, wrapping his arms around Harry’s torso and resting his head on Harry’s chest as Harry tangles their legs together.

“Sorry, I know that was stupid.” Niall mumbles into Harry’s chest. Harry just smiles.

“It’s fine, I have no problem reminding you how much I love you.” Harry replies, pressing a sweet kiss to Niall’s forehead and stroking his fingers up and down Niall’s spine.

“Or reminding you how much I love seeing you naked” Harry adds. Niall feels his face heat again and he buries his face into the crook of Harry’s neck, making Harry chuckle.


Thank you for the prompt from xXForeverLovelyXx, sorry for the wait!

-Sam xx

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