Sleepy Head

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Harry feels someone's head plop down onto his shoulder, but he pays it no mind, being used to the boys sometimes falling asleep on him or each other. He continues talking to Liam until Zayn interjects, taking Liam's attention. Harry glances around the van. They were on their way to the arena for sound check for tonight's show.

Louis catches his eye, wiggling his eyebrows at Harry with a smirk on his lips. Harry raises his own eyebrows in question and Louis tilts his head to the side. Harry glances over and realizes that the person sleeping on his shoulder was Niall. He instantly adjusts his shoulder so that Niall's head was leaning more comfortably and raises his hand to the boy's blond locks. He begins to gently comb his fingers through the older boy's soft hair as he traces the contours of his face with his eyes.

A quiet contented sigh slips past Niall's slightly parted lips in his sleep as Harry continues to stroke the lad's head. A small smile slides onto Harry's face and he circles his free arm around Niall's slim waist. The only other person who knew that Harry fancied Niall was Louis, and thank the lord he had kept his mouth shut after Harry had confirmed his suspicions. Louis may not have told anyone but he may as well have told Niall himself with all of the 'subtle' hints he'd been dropping to Niall as of late. Louis swore Niall had begun to reciprocate Harry's feelings, but Harry brushed it off as wishful thinking.

The van comes to a stop outside of the arena and Harry stops combing his fingers through Niall's hair as the other boys clamber out of the van. Niall frowns slightly in his sleep at the loss of Harry's soothing fingers, and Harry hates to do it, but he knows he has to wake the sleeping Irish man. He admires Niall's sleeping face once more, wanting to be able to kiss the boy awake, and before he knows what he is doing he is ducking down and planting a small peck on Niall's lips. He pulls back, surprised at what he had just done, but silently thanks god Niall hadn't awoken.

"Nialler, we're here sleepy-head," Harry mumbles, brushing his knuckles across Niall's cheek bone gently. Niall's lips curve upwards into a smile.

"Wake up" Harry nudges him gently.

"Not unless you kiss me like that again" Niall's Irish accent mumbles, thick with sleep. Harry feels his cheeks flame.

"Y-you felt that?" he stutters. Niall nods, still smiling.

"How long have you been awake?" Niall chuckles, still laying on Harry's shoulder, eyes shut.

"Since you started playing with my hair" Niall answers truthfully. Harry blushes even redder and clears his throat awkwardly.

"We should, uh, go in now..." Harry mumbles, wishing the seat he was sitting on would swallow him up. Niall doesn't move though.

"Like I said, not unless you kiss me again." Harry smiles now, happy that Niall did in fact return his feelings and ducks down once again, quickly pecking Niall's lips. This time he feels Niall's lips press against his own in return, and when he pulls away this time, Niall's bright blue eyes are looking at him, shining with happiness.

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