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Prompt: One where Niall and Harry have been dating all throughout high school. Harry is fully out to his family and everyone, Niall is only out to his friends and not his parents. So they decide to tell his parents together.


Niall sighs and finally sets down his pen, being unable to force himself to focus anymore.

"I think..." Niall starts slowly as he spins his desk chair to face his bed. Harry, who was spread out with his arms folded behind his head and his eyes shut, makes no sign of acknowledgement. "...that I should tell my mum,"

"About?" Harry asks.

"You and me." Now Harry does open his eyes and he appraises Niall.

"Really?" He asks. Niall, who is now chewing on his bottom lip, gives a hesitant nod.

"You told your mum a while ago and I figure, not that I've been hiding anything from her, but I still haven't told my mum so..." Niall trails off, going back to chewing on his lip. Harry sits up now with a smile.

"I'm proud of you Nialler." Harry and Niall had been dating since year 9 and Niall hadn't been ready at the time, but now, halfway through year 12, Niall had decided that it was time to come out to his mother. Niall begins chewing on his thumb as he does when he is distracted and Harry stands.

"Ni-" Harry grabs Niall's free hand and tugs the blond lad to his feet.

"You sure?" Niall nods as Harry stares hard, eyes searching his face.

"I- I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it but I've never come out to an adult before..." Niall mumbles, eyes wandering around the room. Harry squeezes Niall's hand in his own with a faint smile.

"I'll be there with you if you'd like?" Harry suggests.

"You will?" Niall asks, eyes hopefully settling on Harry's face now. Harry nods and presses a lingering kiss to Niall's cheek.

"Niall, Harry, food's ready!" They hear Maura call up the stairs at that moment. Harry squeezes Niall's hand and leads them out of the room and down the stairs where Niall tugs him to a stop. He takes a couple deep breaths to steel his nerves and releases Harry's hand as they enter the kitchen.

"Mum?" Niall asks as he and Harry stop on the opposite side of the island from Maura. Maura turns around and places a full bowl of salad on the island top before smiling up at her son.

"Mhm?" Niall's hand instantly grasps Harry's just below the counter top and Harry squeezes encouragingly.

"Uh, I need to tell you something important..." Maura's smile fades and she looks at Niall in question.

"Go ahead..." Niall swallows, takes a deep breath and casts a brief glance at Harry before beginning.

"Um, I'm gay-" he begins. A smile creeps onto Maura's face and she nods.


"That's- that's okay with you then?" He hesitantly asks.

"Of course Nialler! What kind of a mother would I be if that changed how I treated you? I'll be honest, I wasn't really expecting that, but I'm really glad you felt that you could tell me." Niall smiles gratefully and releases Harry's hand to wipe his own nervously sweaty ones on his jeans.

"Now is that all? Can we eat?" Maura asks, still smiling. Niall smiles comfortably now.

"Not exactly..." Maura leans down on the counter top, appraising her son now.

"Do you have a boyfriend then?" She asks, still smiling. Niall's grin confirms her question and Harry takes that as a que and raises his hand in a wave.

"Hi." Maura raises her eyebrows and looks from one boy to the other for a moment.

"Really? For how long?" Niall coughs embarrassedly now and begins fiddling with the ties on his bracelet now.

"Since year 9..." he admits.

"And you kept it from me for this long?" Maura asks in a slightly more stern tone. Niall looks at her in mild alarm.

"I didn't keep it from you, I just never outright told you. I thought you had figured a bit out at least..." Maura smiles amusedly now and nods slowly.

"Well I did think it was a bit weird whenever I found you two sleeping on each other..." Niall and Harry grin now and Niall turns his to Harry.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, no more doing 'homework' in the bedroom, and let's eat!" Maura winks. Niall's face flushes and Harry chokes, beginning to cough into his hand.

"Mum!" Niall whines. Maura just laughs as she leaves the kitchen for the dining room with the salad bowl and Niall turns to Harry who is just catching his breath.

"She's joking H, I swear."

Thank you for the prompt from @PrimadonnaStoran! Sorry it took so long!

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