Be Mine?

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Prompt: One where it's Christmas and Harry and Niall are exchanging gifts and at the end of the night, Harry proposes and Niall has an adorable reaction :)


Niall slides out of bed silently with a small smile on his face. He glances back at his sleeping boyfriend fondly. Today was the day. It had to be. It was December 25, 2014. Exactly 4 years since he and Harry met. He was certain today was the day Harry was going to propose.

Niall had planned out the entire day. He was going to make a special Christmas breakfast for the two of them and then they would exchange gifts. After that they would probably see Harry's family for a bit. They had seen Niall's family yesterday and had an early Christmas dinner. After visiting with Harry's family it will be around time to come back to the flat to get ready for dinner. Harry had booked a reservation at some expensive restaurant for them and Niall bets that's when he will propose.

The day goes as Niall had planned and he is getting more and more excited by the time they are driving back to the flat to get ready for dinner. Harry glances at Niall and a smile creeps onto his face at the sight of his excited boyfriend.

"What's got you buzzing?" Niall grins at Harry now and just shakes his head.

"'M hungry." Harry laughs. Niall was excited for dinner because he was hungry.

"Of course you are." Harry chuckles fondly. They reach their building and soon Niall is skipping into the flat and heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm getting dressed in the guest room so you don't see me!" Niall practically sings.

"We're not wearing dresses Niall, suits all look the same!" Niall just throws his head back and laughs as he slams the bathroom door. Harry shakes his head and chuckles as he heads towards their bedroom.


Niall is giddy as he wraps a towel around his waist. He stares into the mirror grinning from ear to ear. Soon. Soon he would be engaged to the one man he couldn't imagine life without. Niall brushes his teeth and blow dries his hair. Then he style's (hehe) it up into a neat quiff. He exits the bathroom and grabs his suit off of the hangar on the back of the guest room door after he closes it.


"You look so fit" Harry mumbles into Niall's ear as they wait in line for their reservation. Niall's smile can't get any wider as he squeezes Harry's fingers that were entwined with his own. Finally they reach the front of the line and Harry gives his last name. They are led to a table for two and Niall tries not to bounce in his seat as they order their appetizers and main courses.

"So Ni, it can't be just the food that's got you so excited, you're practically vibrating." Harry chuckles. Niall just once again shakes his head, grin still in place.


They finish dessert and Niall is almost holding his breath. Any minute.

"Mmm that was so good..." Harry sighs, leaning back in his chair.

"Mhm" is Niall's response. He glances around distractedly. How was Harry going to do it. Was a waiter going to come out with it on a platter? Was he going to give a speech first?

"So Nialler..." Niall's attention snaps back to Harry and he watches him expectantly. Harry hesitates for a moment. Here it comes.

"We've been together for quite a while now, and this is our 3rd Christmas together..." Niall nods with a smile and leans on his forearms on the table.

"I wanted to do something special this year because you deserve it. Problem was, I couldn't think of anything spectacular enough."

I can! Niall thinks enthusiastically.

"I asked Liam what he would do for Louis and he said simply, less is more, the way Liam does." Niall nods slowly. He didn't understand where this was going anymore.

"So I- well, I don't want to tell you, I need show you." Harry flags down their waiter and pays the bill and before Niall knows it he is being ushered out to the car. He sinks into the passenger seat with a sigh. He was certain Harry was going to propose tonight. Niall straightens up and plasters a small smile onto his face as Harry ducks into the car. He sends a quick text and then turns the key in the ignition. Harry hums along to whatever song comes on the radio until they pull up outside their flat building.

Harry glances at his phone screen once they reach their door with a small secretive smile. He looks at Niall, key poised above the lock.

"Hey, would you mind grabbing my phone charger out of the room, I need to go to the kitchen for a minute." Niall nods, still trying to mask his disappointment. Maybe next year. Niall enters the flat and takes off his shoes, then heads for the hall. Harry disappears into the kitchen and Niall lets the frown slip onto his face. Truth be told he had been waiting since last Christmas for Harry to propose. He sighs and presses open the bedroom door with slumped shoulders.


"I think he was expecting it at the restaurant." Louis nods.

"Understandable. Liam caught me off guard too, trust me it's better this way. His reaction will be genuine. It'll surprise even him." Harry nods and opens his mouth to speak but is cut off before he gets the chance.

"HARRY" Harry grins as Niall discovers the surprise he had Louis place onto the bed after they had left. Louis chuckles and Harry exits the kitchen. He nearly topples over though as Niall comes pounding down the hall and hurls himself at Harry. Harry stumbles back until he bumps the wall and laughs, bringing his hands up to grip Niall's thighs. He is cut short by Niall pressing his mouth to Harry's. Niall kisses Harry hard and the pulls back, grinning widely. Tears shine on his cheeks and he swipes at them quickly.

"Is that a yes then?" Harry asks with a laugh. Niall nods vigorously and looks down at the rose in his hands. There was a small card tied to the stem with a white ribbon, and inside the card was a ring. In Harry's scrawling writing it said "Will you marry me?" in silver pen and Niall stared with a giant grin in place.

"Here." Harry mumbles, placing Niall back on the ground. He takes the rose from Niall's fingers and gently unties the ribbon. He vaguely hears the front door close and figures Louis must've just slipped out. Harry detaches the ring from its place inside the card and gets down on one knee. He looks up at his smiling boyfriend to see that he has started crying again. Harry smiles and takes Niall's left hand.

"Let me officially ask. Niall James Horan, will you be mine?" Harry slips the ring onto Niall's finger and looks up once again to his now fiancé.

"Harry Edward Styles, I have been since the moment we met, and I always will be yours."

This was another prompt from the amazing @PrimadonnaStoran.

I know it didn't technically follow the prompt to the letter, but I hope you still like it!

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