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Prompt: Imagine your OTP waiting for a bus in the rain.

Niall shivers and pushes his sopping fringe out of his eyes cursing the icy London downpour. He wraps his arms around himself and shivers, pulling his hands inside the ends of his dripping sleeves.

"I told you we should bring an umbrella" Niall glares down the street into the distance, ignoring that comment.

"You're looking a little damp Nialler" Niall turns his glare to the beaming, but equally dripping, Harry. Harry pushes his wet curls off of his forehead and steps closer to Niall, tucking his cold hands under his armpits. Niall sighs and the glare is replaced by a look of disappointment.

"I'm sorry. I thought today was going to be great. I planned it all out and everything." Harry's face shifts to one of concern and he bumps Niall's shoulder with his own.

"Hey, it's fine babe. We had fun before it started raining, and once we get home we can have a cuddle?" Niall's lips twitch into a small smile and he nods. Harry smiles softly, wrapping his arms around the disappointed boy and kissing his nose. Niall leans his head on Harry's shoulder and they return to waiting for the bus in silence.


Blame my older sister for the Welcome To Nightvale prompt XD

-Sam xx

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