Drunk Dial (Zayn's POV)

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Closer to the beginning of this collection of drabbles I posted one named Drunk Dial. If you don't remember it I recommend you go back and re-read it quickly because this one is like a part 2.


Zayn hears someone shuffling around in the room and cracks an eye open. At first he is confused as to where exactly he was, until he realizes that it was Harry's flat. Niall has just arrived and seems to be searching the room for something, judging by the way his eyes are flitting around from surface to surface.

"Niall?" Zayn asks. Niall's head snaps up and he looks startled.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" Zayn raises an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same thing mate"

"Fair enough."

"I came back to Harry's after the party and passed out on his sofa." Zayn explains. "Come to think of it, you were smashed mate, shouldn't you have a killer hang over right now?" Niall shrugs a shoulder in response.

"I think I'm still drunk to be honest." Zayn grins.

"I don't doubt it. So what are you doing here?" Niall blushes furiously and swallows with difficulty.

"I uh, you've gotta help me find Harry's phone" Zayn gives Niall a quizzical look and Niall continues.

"Last night... I kind of um, drunk dialed him... once, or 7 times..." Niall mumbles the last part bit Zayn still catches it as has to stifle his laughter.

"What did you say that you're so desperate for him not to hear?" Zayn asks.

"I don't remember..." Niall lies, looking away.

"You're lying." Zayn accuses. Niall sighs and begins to fidget with his fingers. He takes a deep breath before blurting it out.

"I kind of told him that I'm in love with him" Zayn hm's in thought and Niall stares at him now, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Were you telling the truth?" Zayn asks. Niall shrugs and looks down to his fingers, giving Zayn all the answer he needed.

"So now you want to find his phone and delete the messages before he wakes up and hears them." Zayn muses. Niall nods sheepishly.

"You can tell him Niall. You know that right?" Niall shrugs again.

"I just don't want to make things awkward" Niall mumbles quietly. Zayn just sighs before agreeing to aid Niall in his search. They scour the flat top to bottom to no avail. Zayn leaves Niall as the lad chews his lip nervously, standing in the hall outside of Harry's bedroom. Zayn figures it was up to Niall to talk to Harry on his own now, so Zayn heads back out to the sofa. He stretches out once again and it just getting comfortable so that he could go back to sleep, when the rectangular shape of his own iPhone jabs into his back.

Zayn retrieves it from underneath the small of his back and is about to toss it onto the coffee table when a bunch of notifications on the screen catch his eye.

Voice mail from Niall Horan

There are 6 other messages telling Zayn that Niall had left a voice mail, and also, curiously enough, 4 voice mails from Harry as well, all from about 11:30pm and onwards. A slow smile grows on Zayn's face as he stares at the notifications. Niall should have checked who he had called last night. Zayn is curious and gives a couple of Niall's voice mails a listen and his smile grows into a grin as he hear's Niall's thick, slurred Irish accent drawl on about how much he loves Harry. Zayn also listens to a couple of Harry's messages and his eyes widen as he hears Harry's equally slurred accent go on and on about how much he loves Niall.

A fluttery feeling of excitement fills Zayn's chest at the prospect of 2 of his best mates finally realizing they have reciprocated feelings. He sits up, as he is now wide awake and there is no way he is falling back asleep at this point. He couldn't wait until the 2 lads emerge from the bedroom, and numerous scenarios of the scene playing out at that moment run through his head. He could hardly wait.

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