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Niall's fingers card again and again through Harry's hair as their tongues slide together. Harry's hands are roaming up and down Niall's body, covering every inch of space from Niall's shoulders down to his hips, as if Harry may never touch Niall again.

They're snogging, not hot and lustful, but as if each is more vital to the other than oxygen itself.

"Niall..." Harry breathes between kisses. Niall hums a brief acknowledgement before returning his attention to Harry's lips as if he is unable to get enough.

"Y'know what the colour yellow looks like-" Harry mumbles. breaking the contact of their lips for a brief moment to speak. Niall just hums again, returning them to their heated session. It's another couple minutes before Harry can speak again.

"-it's all bright and sunny, a happy colour-" Niall's insistent tongue interrupts his words once again.

"-it's warm, like one of those perfect summer days-" again, he is interrupted.

"-when all you want to do is lay there-" again.

"-and soak it all in- bask in it-" This time he doesn't get to speak again for a bit longer, but when he does, he is finally nearing the point he was trying to get across from the start.

"-and you're just so happy you think nothing could ever be better-" This time Harry is the one who reconnects their lips once more before he finally sums up everything he is trying to say.

"-well, you're all yellow to me." He finishes in a breathy whisper. This time, Niall doesn't instantly return them to snogging, but gazes down at Harry, lips pink and slick, cheeks flushed, breath coming out in short huffs, but eyes full of so much unabashed adoration that Harry's already short breath is momentarily taken away completely.

After that, a simple 'I love you' seems dull and meaningless. Niall is in no way as good with words as Harry, so he puts as much of his unspoken emotions into the slow kiss he presses into Harry's lips as he possibly can, and hopes that Harry understands it's true meaning.

Niall's eyes- those sparkling, expressive, vibrantly azure eyes that Harry loves so much- have already told Harry more than enough,so he kisses Niall back with a passion to match, that is as gentle as it is fierce.

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