(Spiders Are Devil Spawn, Just Saying)

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"You have no place talking about manliness, Repunzel." Niall scoffs. Harry is enjoying the hypnotic sensation of Niall's soothing fingers combing though his hair, but he frowns.

What's that supposed to mean?" He asks indignantly.

"Does prancing around wearing floral shirts on stage spark any memories?" Niall is sat up on the back of the sofa and Harry slips out from between his legs, turning to the side to look up at him.

"You said you liked my shirts!" Niall' lips are upturned in barely concealed amusement at the conversation unfolding.

"I said you look fantastic in anything you wear, not that I like those shirts."

"But do you?"

"Well I wear 'em now, don't-" Niall cuts off sharply and lets out a remarkably high-pitched, strangled yelp as he lurches backwards. He flails for a moment before tumbling over the back of the sofa and onto the floor with a solid thud. Harry doesn't even attempt to swallow the sharp bark of laughter that erupts form his lips as he spots the cause of Niall' alarm. A small but fat black spider had dropped down from the ceiling, directly in front of the Irish man's nose. Harry leans up on his knees, cupping his hands around the little arachnid in a makeshift cage and then looks down at Niall.

Niall is sprawled across the floor, gazing up at Harry, eyes wide. The scene just makes Harry begin laughing once again.

"What a manly scream that was, Niall." He chortles, stepping off of the sofa. Niall pushes himself up from the floor, rubbing at the back of his head and scowling at Harry as he rounds the corner of the sofa.

"Spiders are the spawn of Lucifer himself sent to terrorize the innocent." Harry just laughs harder at his words, but manages nonetheless to get the patio door open with his elbows and hip and then steps outside, crouching down and opening his hands.

"Goodbye little spawn of Lucifer!" He snickers.

"Don't patronize me." Niall sighs in frustration, circling the sofa and flopping down onto the cushions.

"Sorry," Harry apologizes as sincerely as he can manage through a shit-eating grin, as he steps back inside and shuts the door.

"No you're not." Niall grumbles.

"Fine, I'm not," Harry admits, claiming the spot next to Niall, facing him, his grin meeting Niall's glare.

"I really hate you." Harry lean in to Niall, arm braced on the back of the sofa, and bites at his bottom lip the way he knows drives Niall crazy.

"But you really don't," he mumbles. He watches Niall's glare soften as his eyes flick from Harry's eyes, down to his lips. Harry connects their lips for a moment before pulling back, smile stretching back across his mouth.

"Maybe I don't..." Niall admits after a moment, small smile curving the corners of his mouth upwards.    


For The Record, I actually said the "Spiders are the spawn of Lucifer..." thing to my mother the other night.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I actually have no wifi at my house and am posting this during Anthropology class!

I hope you can bear with me for a while!

-Sam xx

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