Jet Lag's A Bitch (But She Has Good Timing)

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Prompt: One where Narry aren't dating but one night on tour Niall can't sleep so he goes to Harry's room and they end up cuddling.


Niall sighs and sits up. That's it. The first night in America was always the hardest when it came to jet lag and tonight was no exception. They had flown from London to New York at 2:00 in the morning and now it was 8:00 there and 3:00 here. Niall was wide awake now but still had 8 hours until he needed to be up.

Niall gets out of bed and pulls on a pair of trackies and a white vest before heading for the door. Maybe Harry was also having trouble sleeping. Niall pads down the hall towards the younger boy's room. Niall raises his fist to knock lightly on the door, but freezes.

What if Harry is asleep and Niall wakes him up? What if Harry doesn't want to see anyone right now? It was 3 in the morning after all. What if Harry thought it was weird that when Niall couldn't sleep he thought of Harry? Admittedly, Niall had a bit if a crush on Harry. He had finally admitted it to himself and he had no intention of having Harry find out.

Niall slowly lowers his hand and turns to go. He walks a couple steps and then turns back around. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal. Maybe Harry wouldn't mind. Niall eventually just ends up pacing up and down outside of Harry's room.

Inside the room, Harry hears the faint sound of someone padding up and down outside his room as he groggily cracks open his eyes. He had finally managed to drift off and now he was awake again for some unknown reason. He watches the shadow of the person outside his room pass a couple more times before lazily rolling out of bed and heading for the door.

"Niall...?" Harry asks, rubbing his left eye as he sees who had been pacing outside of his room. Niall looks at Harry in surprise.

"Did I wake you?" Harry shakes his head no as Niall comes closer and leans on the wall.

"No, jet lag. Why are you out here?" Niall shrugs.

"Couldn't sleep. Jet lag sucks ass." Harry nods and takes a step back into the room.

"Wanna come in then? We can be jet lagged together at least." Niall smiles and nods. The two of them stretch out on the bed and turn on Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Whatever you wanna watch." Eventually they settle on a random comedy that neither of them were really watching. Niall eventually begins to feel tired and he lets his head drop to Harry's shoulder, pretending to be falling asleep.

Harry seems to hesitate for a moment before looping his arm around Niall's shoulders. Niall's heart pace quickens but all Harry was really doing was laying Niall down flat on the bed. Harry reaches over and turns off the TV with the remote before laying down beside Niall.

Niall rolls over onto his side, facing away from Harry as he begins to really drift off, feeling kind of disappointed. The feeling does't last long though as Harry loops his arms around Niall's waist and curls up behind him.

"Goodnight Nialler." Harry whispers. Niall smiles softly as he drifts off to sleep.


So this isn't the Omegaverse one like I promised would be next, but I swear, it will be the next one.

I've written a good sized chunk of it today so I'll probably finish it tomorrow or Wednesday.

Found this prompt on Tumblr and it was just too cute to not write!

Hope you can all forgive me XD

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