Should Have Been More Specific...

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Imagine your OTP both wearing ugly Christmas jumpers to a Christmas party because the invitation didn't say that it was a formal event.


Niall survey's the noisy room, ignoring the many curious eyes wandering his way and the equal amount of disdainful looks cast his way. He takes a sip of his champagne and contemplates leaving for the millionth time.

"Hey! 'Now I know I'm not the only one'..." Niall's attention is drawn to the person singing a line from a Sam Smith song, while cheesily dancing up to him. A smile grows on Niall's face when he sees the person.

"Hey Harry, Love the jumper." Harry grins and points at Niall's own ugly Christmas jumper clad chest.


"So you didn't get the memo either then." Niall chuckles. Harry shakes his head and looks around, still grinning.

"Liam should have added more detail to his invitations."

"Oh look, Charles is glaring at me for the seventh time tonight. I guess my choice of clothing personally offends him." Harry muses. Niall laughs and finishes off his champagne and places the empty glass on a nearby table.

"Wanna get out of here? The pubs are always festive round this time of year." Niall suggests.

"Good idea. There's one about a block over." Harry says as they start towards the door.


About 2 hours later Niall and Harry are a bit drunk and stumbling back to their flat building singing christmas carols loudly and off tune. Niall had no idea Harry was such a funny guy. They had a couple classes together and he saw him every now and then around campus, bit he had never really spoken to him.

"Jingle bells, something smells, I love pints, bat mobile lost a wheel, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!" Niall cackles, leaning heavily on Harry as he wheezes, out of breath. Harry is laughing and gripping Niall around the waist and they finally reach the flat building. Somehow they make it up to Niall's floor and as the doors open Harry grabs Niall's hand.

"Let's go out tomorrow" Niall nods with a huge grin and stumbles backwards as Harry lets go of his hand and the lift doors shut. Niall turns and skips down the hall to his flat. Good thing he had worn the Christmas sweater tonight instead of the suit Josh had suggested...

Hey guys! Sorry for disappearing on you.
Things got crazy after I got over my Strep Throat.
I had mad rehearsals for a week before the musical, and then the next week was musical week so that was fun, but busy and tiring.
And finally, guess where I am now? New Brunswick!
I am from Ontario, Canada and haven't seen my mother's side of my family in about 10 years because they live in New Brunswick, Canada. This morning I was woken up at about 5am and we drove for 18 and a half hours and now we're here for 2 weeks!
I'm really excited for this week. Everyday I want to post a new holiday drabble until Christmas. There will be a couple tomorrow hopefully. I need your guys help though.

Please submit some fun, funny, cute etc. Narry Christmas Day drabbles and I'll choose 1 (or maybe a couple) and that will be the one that I post on the 25th.

Please submit one or two and it'll be dedicated to you when it goes up. I love you all, but I'm exhausted, so goodnight!
-Sam xx

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