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Then the paramedics walk in

I walk and stand next to kairi
They all walk and check out Mia

" ok so she need to go to the hospital right now she has a collapsed lung" one of the lady said

" ok what hospital?" Kairi said

" City center" the women said

I walk over to Mia
" everything's going to be ok I'll be there to check on you soon" I said
She grabbed my hand

" O-ok" she said
They took Mia out of the room and Into a ambulance

I sit there and look down at the ground
Kairi comes and sits me on his lap

" she's going to be ok let's go to the hospital" he said picking me up

Third persons POV

The boys walked out of the room into Alejandros car
Kairi was holding London in his arms

The hospital was only about 8 minutes away
Once they got there

They said one person at a time can see Mia right now

They boys all said for me to go
I walk into her room and see she's all connected to machines

I sit in the chair next to her and hold her hand

" How you doing?" I asked

" I have Leukemia" she said

I look at her
"Wait as in Leukemia cancer" I asked

" yeah it's in my lungs that's why my lung collapsed" she said

" is there a cure?" I asked

" if the cancer spreads to my whole body I could die they are doing treatments to keep it from spreading" she said

"Baby I'm sorry"I said as tears came down my face

"That's not the worst part" she said

I walk out of the room as tears fall down my face I walk up to mattia

"Mia needs you" he stood up and walked out To her room

Mattias POV

I walk into her room she looked so pale

" hey how you doing? " I asked sitting down and grabbing her hand

" mattia I have Leukemia cancer" She said

" are you going to die?" I said as tears fell down my face

" idk they are doing treatments" she said

Mias POV

Now the hard part

" mattia there's something else" I said he looks at me in the eyes

" what is it?" He said wiping my tears off with his thumb

" I'm pregnant..."

He looks shocked

" it's yours and I'm four months pregnant"

" it's ok I'm here with you" he said crying

" idk if the baby will surv-"
Mattia cute me off

" hey it's going to be ok I'm here with you" he said kissing my head

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now