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Mias POV

I'm still under Mattias shirt it's so warm
I think Mattias asleep
I was about to fall asleep when I hear a bunch of people walking in

I did not have enough energy to move my head or look what was going on
" take a picture!" Kairi said whispering

I hear the sound of the camera click meaning they took a picture
" I can hear you dumb shit" I said making them all laugh

" hey I got that on camera!" Robert yelled
" shut up and help me sit up" I said moving my head out of mattias shirt

Alejandro comes over and grabs my hands helping me sit up
"Thanks" I said Looking over at mattia sleeping  I kiss his forehead

I hear all the boys laughing and see they are videoing me I laughed
Laying back on mattias chest
"Where's London?" I asked

" she's on her period she said she does not feel good" kairi said

" so glad I don't have that shit to deal with" I said

" wait you don't have your period when your pregnant?!" Alvaro asked

" no dumb ass that's how most people find out their pregnant they miss their period" I said laughing

" wait really?!" Roshaun said as Leah walked in

" Leah tell those boys that when your pregnant you don't have your period they don't believe me!" I said as she laughed

" my husband thought the same thing" she said

" fine let wait to see what mattia says" kairi said

"What about me?" Mattia said in a raspy voice

" what's some symptoms when a girl thinks she pregnant?" Leah asked

" I don't even know that" Alejandro said

" Umm morning sickness missing their period and I don't know remember what else" mattia said rubbing his eyes

" that was good how do you know that?" Leah asked

" when I found out Mia was pregnant my mom sent me a book to read about women's body during pregnancy" he said

" damn your educated now" roshaun said

She also sent me this"he said grabbing a book out of his backpack and showing us
It said " education for safe sex"

Making us all laugh
" you obviously did not have any education" Alejandro said

" hey idc I want this baby" he said Smiling

"SIMP" Robert yelled
" kairi you should read this book you and London need it" mattia said as his eyes went wide

" yeah you need it take it home and read it " Alvaro said laughing

" ok let me check you" Leah said to me
I lift the blankets of my belly and lift my shirt up

the boys see my bruise
" does that hurt?" Kairi asked

" yeah dummy" mattia said
"That's one reason why I need to practice pulling out" kairi said
We all burst out laughing

" not even like even 5 percent of people's pregnancy's are like Mias" mattia said
Leah did the check
It hurt pretty bad but Leah said I was good and she left

I lay back down on mattias chest sighing
Matti kisses my lips and plays with my hair

I push my head into mattia neck
" I love you bubba" I said in his ear
I knew he could feel my hot breath on his neck

" I love you too Princess" he said
I kept breathing down his neck

" if I could I would fuck you so hard right here right now in front of everyone" he said in my ear

Butterflies filled my stomach
I blushed and put my head on his chest
He played with my hair

I see all the boys whispering and videoing me and mattia
I flip them off

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now