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Mias POV

It's been about 8 hours since we finished eating

None of them have school tomorrow because it's Friday so they all are staying here tonight

The boys and London are all doing TikToks


"Yeah" he said sitting down in the chair next to me

"Can you come and lay down with me?" I asked

" I don't want to hurt you"

" you won't" I move over mattia comes and I lay in his chest

" I hate being connected to all these Machines" I said quietly

" I know you do but it's helping you" he said

" give me your hand" I go under the blanket and lift my hospital gown up and put his hand on my belly

" that's so cute" he smiled as the baby kicked again

The next day

I woke up mattia and the boy went to shower and get ready

They moved me into a room upstairs and I have my own shower

Leah unhooked all the Machines for me

"Ok you have 15 minutes and I'll be back to hook you back up"
London helped me to the bathroom and she washed my hair and body

Then I tried putting lotion on my legs
" Mia don't bend down" she said

London put lotion on my body and helped me put my underwear and bra on
I could wear my own clothes now so I had sweat pants and a sports bra on And a t-shirt because I'll have to take it of for all the Machines to Connect to me

She brushed my teeth and washed my face and then put my hair in braids

" my belly's really big now" I said

" yeah your more then half through your pregnancy"

A few hours later

Everyone's here now
I'm laying in Mattias chest
We are going to open the envelope

"alright Mia open it" London said excited

" no someone else open it" I said

"I will open It" roshaun said

He grabbed it and started opening it
He takes the paper out and His eyes go wide

"It's a girl!!!!!💕💗💖💞💓🌸💘💝🌷🐷🎀💄👚👛💕💗💖

"Yay I'm so excited!!!"I said smiling
" she is going to be so cuteeee" robot said

I look up and see mattia smiling at me
He pulls my chin up with his finger

" my two princesses" he said grabbing my face and kissing my lips

I pull away and lay in his chest
"Go to sleep princess" he said as I closed my eyes I Heard

" you guys make me feel so single"

Does anyone have any good mattia book I can read I'm bored and I want to read

If you have a book let me know and I'll read it

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now