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Mias POV

It's been about two day
Two long days it's been so painful

I've been is so much pain
Mattia is with me

Leah walks in And did this Machine down my throat to see if my stomach is swelling

" ok it looks like your belly is going to be growing fast for the next few hours I'll be back" Leah said walking out
I lay on my back breathing in and out carefully

Mattia stands up and walks over to me and rubs my belly

" what do you want me to do for you?" mattia asked

" could I lay on you and you rub my belly please?" I asked Mattia
He nodded and he lays down I put my head under his hoodie and he puts his hand on my belly rubbing it with his hand and thumb

I fell asleep in mattia warm arms

Mattias pov

I look down and see Mias head in my hoodie I could hear her breathing and snoring so I knew she was asleep

I kept rubbing her belly I could feel the baby kick once an a while
It was super cute she's so cute
I can't ever lose her

I was just watching her sleep
Tell I feel my phone ring
I look at it my mom

I pick it up and put it to my ear so I don't wake up Mia

" hi ma" I said

" hey mattia how's Mia doing?"

"Her belly swelling and she's asleep but she's in a lot of pain" I said

" oh that's not good where is she?" My mom said

" she asleep on my chest" I said

" ok I love you let me know if anything else happens" my mom said

" ok I will I love you" I said as she hung up

Half hour later

I lift my shirt up a little and see Mia still asleep
It's been awhile i need to wake her up

I tried to wake her up
But she wouldn't move
I hurry and press the emergency button and I see Leah and some other people run in

" what happened?" Leah asked

" she's not-t waking up bu-t she's still breathing" I said as tears feel down my face

I can't loss her

They take her from my arms and run out of the room
" wait you can't leave me here without her!!" I said trying not to cry

" I'll be back ok?" Leah said

I Collapse on Mias bed

" please be ok please be ok please be ok please be ok please be ok please be ok" I said repeating over and over again

I grab my phone trying to not shake so much
" fuck" I said as I could barely see my phone screen

I press on kairis contact
" hey dude what up me and the boys are live" he said answering immediately

" kair-i Mia was no-t wake-ing so I call-ed Leah and th-ey too-k her away fro-m me" I said crying my eyes out trying to breathe

" hey breath ok we will be there in a minute" he said as his voice cracked

"I lov-e her I can-t loss her" I said

" I know buddy we will be there breathe" he said and hung up

I laid back down grabbing the blanket that smells like Mia crying my eyes out

I'm scared and I know what's going to happen

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now