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" after she gives birth is she going to survive?" I asked

" she- mattia we have no idea we are trying our best she need you come on" Leah said

" ok wait I need to tell them" I said walking back into the room

Kairi stands up and walks to me hugging me
" what happened?" He asked

" she need to give birth right now and they don't know if Mias going to survive" I said in a whisper voice

" go with her she need you" he said

" ok I'm going" I said walking out of the room following Leah

We walk in another room and I see Mia laying there crying

I walk over to her wiping my eyes
" hey it's ok I'm here now" I said in a raspy voice
" bubba I'm scared" she said
"I know I love you ok?" I said
" I love you more I can't lose you" she said crying
I put my hand on her belly
" your not I promise you let's have this baby" I said

" give me a kiss" she said
I pull her into a kiss
it was magical like always

I stand next to Mia I hold her hand
" you got This" I said

After like 20 minutes of Mia pushing
I Heard a baby crying I look and see this tiny tiny baby
I got to cut the umbilical cord
They immediately take her away
She was born at 31 weeks thats not good

" hey it's ok she crying ok" I said
" my body hurts so bad" she said breathing deeply
" I'm sorry baby I'm here ok" I said as she wiped my tears of my face

" don't cry please" she said
" I can't stop I will not let you guys leave me" I said
Mias POV
10 minutes later Leah brought in a little baby rapped in a pink blanket
We gave her to me

She looked so much like me she has my green eyes and mattias nose and eyes
I look over and see mattia smiling as tears coming down his Face

" be careful she is super small one of the smallest baby's we have ever seen" Leah said walking out
I hold her chest to chest she's so cute
"I'm so in love already" mattia said making me laugh

I had to feed her Leah helped me breast feed
Once I got the hang of it she left
And I finished feeding her

" let me hold her" Mattia said wiping him eyes again

"Take your shirt off" I said
He pulled his shirt off and I handed him the baby
He held her softly and kept smiling

What should we name her
" Evelyn" i said smiling
" perfect" mattia said kissing Evelyn's head

I felt so much pain in my body I knew its my time to go

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now