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Mias POV

It's been a few hours since I got the shot I can't even feel my lower half and I'm in so much pain

The boy and London just got here
The boys were making TikToks

I told mattia he needs to make some TikToks so people don't wonder what wrong

London comes and sits on the bed next to me
" how you doing?" She asked

" it hurts"  I said bringing my hands to my face to cover up the tears coming down my face

"Mia look at me" she said

I move my hands of my face and look up at her

"I'm always going to be here with you ok? And I know everything's not just going to be rainbows and butterflies and we all are here to help you" she said

" I feel so weak" I whispered so she can only hear me

"Your not your so strong look at you everything you are being put though you are still strong" she said

" I can't move I can't feel anything past my waist and everything hurts in my body just why does it have to be me here sick and can't leave this room"I said closing my eyes and pulling my blanket over my face

I feel arms around my waist I knew it was mattia but I was too tired to even move or open my eyes
I drifted off to sleep in mattias arms

(This part from now on is a dream)

I look up an see mattia staring at me smiling I look at see the Beautiful sunrise

" what"
" nothing your just really cute" he said making me blush
I look down at my hands and play with my fingers thinking about if I should say something

" what you thinking about?" He asked me making me zone out again

" Mia?!!"he said shaking me

" what?" I asked
" you kept zoning out are you ok?" He asked looking worried

" I'm yeah I need to tell you something" I said

He looked nervous
" yeah what's wrong?" He said grabbing my hand

" mattia? I scared what if you don't like what I'm going to say?!" I said now getting stressed out

" yeah it's ok I'm here for you so tell me what wrong" he said

" I love you mattia from the bottom of my heart you have no ideas how much I think about you and how great full I am for your I love you so much" I said

"Mia I-"

I feel someone tapping My arm and playing with my hair
I slowly open my eyes and realize

It was only a dream
I need to tell mattia I love him

" you were taking in your sleep what did you dream about"
I need to tell him

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now