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Mias POV

It been about two days i takes to my mom today she said she's going to come and see me for a few days

I'm cuddled into mattias arms

"Tell me about your childhood" mattia said rubbing my back

"Well I grew up in England with my two parents who would fight all the time when I was 11 they got a divorce and my dad said he never wanted to see me again he disappeared and I've never seen him since I had a few friends in high school I mostly focused on school and working hard to get here" I said

"You don't deserve that" he said

" to be honest I don't really care anymore I'm happy with out him now tell me your
childhood "

" ok well I grew up in New Jersey with my mom, dad and little brother I have always been really close to my family I meet the boys and London freshman year and we became really good friends and then we got famous from licking a sucker and we all decided to come to this school to be together" he said

" I love your story it's cute I wanna meet your parents one day" I said

" I told them about you" he said smiling at me

" you did?! What did they say?" I said

" I told them that I got you pregnant and that your in the hospital and you have cancer and they were mad at first about the pregnant part but they want to come down soon and meet you" he said

"oh ok you forgot you speak 3 different language"

" oh yeah"

" can you speak something to me in Italian?"

"la tua molto bella e io sono molto felice con te"
( I did Google translate so if that's wrong I'm sorry I only speak Spanish✋)

" what does that mean?"i asked

"I'm not telling you you will have to wait and one day I'll tell you" he said

"Ok if you say so" I said

" I said so"he said laughing

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now