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Mias POV

The next day Leah came and brought Rachel Of she feel asleep right away

" hey how's she doing?" Leah said walking in to check on me

" she's been asleep the whole time" I said sitting up so she could check me

" that's good" she said smiling

" so you look good I have a question" she said

" tell me" I said looking at Rachel in my arms

" so I have to work a little later tonight tell 6:00  do you think you can watch Rachel tell then if not I ca-"

I cut her off

" yes I can I have nothing to do plus she's my new bestie" I said

" ok thank you I'll be back in an hour" she said walking out

An hour later

I was feeding Rachel her bottle when I see the whole group walk in

"Hey is that the baby?" London asked walking over

"Yeah she's so cute" I said

Mattia comes and kisses my forehead
" aww she's so cute" he said sitting in the chair next to me that's always there

" ok so we have a game to play since we have nothing to do" kairi said

There was no room for Robert to sit
" mattia" he stood up and sat down on the bed with me he put his arms around my waist and rubbed my belly with him hand

" your right she's Super cute" he said in my ear

" yep" I said laughing
" not as cute as our baby's going to be" he said
I smiled

" ok guys let's play put a finger down" Alejandro said

"This is going to be so fun" roshaun said laughing

" ok put a finger down if you have lost your virginity" kairi said

Alvaro laughed
Everyone put a finger down except for Alvaro
" loser" Robert said

" shut up at least I don't have a large nose like you!" Alvaro yelled making as all laugh

" put a finger down If played strip poker"

Mattia, Alejandro and Robert put a finger down

" no one plays that anymore" kairi said

" put a finger down if you have ever had to cover up a hickey"

Everyones finger goes down except London

" really? How?" Roshaun yelled

" never got hickeys on my neck they always somewhere else" she said looking at kairi

" ew take your horny ass somewhere else" Alvaro said with a disgusted face

I laugh so hard They all look at me like I'm crazy
" your laugh is weird as shit" kairi said in
the silence

" ah thanks I guess" I said trying not to laugh again

"Your so fucking cute everything about you turns me on even your laugh" he said in my ear so no one could hear

I look up at him and see his eyes full of lust I grabbed his face giving him a SMALL quick

I know making him mad

" fuck why do you have so much control over me" he said in my ear

I could feel his hot breathing on my neck

Happy birthday Ale!!😊

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now