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Mattias pov

Today I woke up and saw Mia was still asleep I kissed her forehead and walked out

I saw Leah and I told her to tell Mia I went home to shower and I would be back

I went home showered and got dressed and went back to the hospital And to floor 8  room 203

" hey baby" she said

I was talking her to eat with my family for an hour

Skip to the car

We got to the car and picked up Mattias family

" ok guys we have an hour we are going to take you to me and Mias favorite food place"I said

Mias POV

We got to this pancake restaurant that was our favorite

Mattia picked me up bridal style and taking me in we sat down and ate together I got pancakes and bacon

We all talked and had lots of fun

We had to go back to the hospital Mattias family went to go to museum with Luca

Me and mattia got to the hospital
We got back to my room and I got connected back to the Machines

Leah came in and checked on me
" are you ok" she asked

"Yeah what's wrong?" I asked getting worried

" nothing the baby's moving around and she has her arms up by your collapsed lung" she said

" yeah I'm fine I don't feel anything" I said

" ok that's good if you feel any pain let me know" she said and walked out

I had to do my chemo and so they sit it up and mattia got my blanket
This is the only thing that really hurts

It makes me dizzy

I close my eye trying to make myself dizzy
Mattia holds my hand

" hey it's ok" he said

" can I cuddle in your chest?" I asked

" yeah" he sits up and picking me up being careful with all the wires and sits me on his lap

I put my head in his chest
He moves his hand under my shirt rubbing my chest right under my boobs

" it's ok love go to sleep I'll watch you" he said

" mattia?" I asked

" yeah"

" can you have the boys and London come over later I have not seen this since 2 days ago?" I asked

" yes I will text them" he said laughing

He kisses my head making me fall asleep faster
I hear his say
" goodnight princes" he said

This is just a filler chapter

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now