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Mattias POV

I woke up in our dorm like always
Thinking about Mia

It's always so quiet in here
I hate it
Today I'm taking school of to go with Mia

I'm going to ask her nurse Leah if I could take her out today to go some where

I get to the hospital and see her nurse Leah

" hey Leah I was wondering if I could take Mia out today for like a half hour?" I asked

" yeah I think you could no longer then and hour and she can't walk by her self and if she feels any pin at all you need to come back" she said

" ok thank you" I said

I get into elevator and to floor 8 and to room 203

I walk in and see she's not in her bed
I hear the shower going
I walk to the bathroom and knock on the door

" yes?!" I hear London and Mia yell at the same time

Oh yeah Fridays London does not have classes till 10:00 so she helps Mia in the shower

" can I come in?" I asked

" yeah" Mia said
I walk in and sit on the chair that's there

" so guess what?" I asked

" what" London asked washing out Mias hair

"Mia gets to leave today" I said

" wait really?" She asked

" yeah we can be out for one hour and we have to be careful but I know extra where we are going" I said

Skip to the car
Mias pov

We get into the car and mattia starts driving somewhere

" so where are we going?" I asked

" a surprise" he said

" I don't like surprises"
I said whining
" you'll love this one" he said he had his hand on my belly rubbing it

" you feel fine right?" He asked for the fourth time

"Yes I'm ok love"I said smiling

We pull up to this cool place
I could not see anything the trees were blocking the view

Mattia comes and picks me up bridal style

" close your eyes" he said
I close my eyes and feel Mattia kept walking and stop and sit down and put me on my lap

" ok you can open your eyes" he said

I open my eyes and see a Beautiful waterfall I look to my right and see food trucks

" this is so cute thanks bubba" I rest my back on mattia he wrapped his arms around my waist

To be continued.....

Idk why I just realized how dirty minded I am and it's all from this app🤤

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now