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Mias POV

Today I had an ultrasound to see my baby
Mattia had to go to class so he could not come

He was really upset about it

" ok so there's you baby right there" The lady said pointing to the screen

Then we Heard the heartbeat
It was so cute

" ok so right now your baby's healthy which can change really fast so we are going to have to check a lot more" she said

" ok"

" so we have known The gender since you were 12 weeks so do you want to know what it is?"

" could you put it in an envelope?" I asked

" yeah that sounds good let me go do that" she said walking out of the room

I know this pregnancy is really high risk and is not good on my Health but I try not to think about that

The lady comes back in

" all right here you go my names Leah I'm going to be in here a lot checking on your baby if you need anything or feel any pain let me know" she said handing me the envelope

" ok thanks" I said she walked out of the room

A few hours later

I've talked to my mom for a while to pass time

I'm trying to reach my water when everyone walks in except roshaun

" here let me help you" Alvaro said picking up the cup and giving it to me

" how you doing?" Mattia asked kissing my forehead

" I'm good the baby healthy and I got this" I said holding up the envelope

"Wait is that the gender of the baby?" London said sitting on kairis lap

" yeah" I said
I look over and see mattia smiling at me

"Are we going to open it or what?" Robert asked

" Idk should we wait?" I asked

" yeah let's open it tomorrow when roshauns here" Alejandro said

" ok"

We all hang out
The boys all left to get us food

" how does it feel to be pregnant?" London asked

"To be honest idk I can't walk or get up so I have no idea"

"Yeah but everything's going to get better"

" I hope do you think you could wash my hair tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah they are moving you to another room tonight and we will do it" she said

"Thanks" I said

Leah walks in
" hey girls how you doing?"

" we're doing good thanks" I said
"Ok let's check this baby" she said

I sit up and she does the ultrasound we look at the screen

The boys all walk in mattia walks over to me looking at the screen

"Ok looks good"
She said

"Thanks Leah" I said

"No problem I'll let you eat also right here is super bruised under the skin so be careful" she said pointing to my upper stomach

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now