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I open my eyes and see this Beautiful waterfall I look to my right and see food trucks

"This is so cute thanks bubba" I said laying my back on his chest he wrapped his hands around my waist


" anything for you" he said

We sat in silence watching the view and enjoying each other's presence

I look to the food trucks and see this couple that looks my age with a little baby walking with them holding hands

Makes me think

" mattia?" I asked as he looked down at me

"Yeah" he said
" I know you don't want to talk about this but if I die and the baby survives will you raise it for me" I asked

I look into this eyes and he looks like he's going to cry

I grab the side of his face
" yes 100% I would take care of her and raise her just to be like you and your not going anywhere" he said as he chuckles

I see a tear rolling down his face I move my hand to his face wiping the tears off his face

I look back up at this eyes and see he's already staring
I do the puppy lip
He laughs


" you know I can hear you right?" He said kissing my nose

" wait what?" I said zoning out again
He kisses my nose making me smile

Now he can't hear me

I look back at him and sees he's coming closer to me just to go to my ear and whisper
" i still can hear you Princess"

He's just doing this to tease me
I'm going to do the same

I move to his ear and whisper

" remember last time this made you nervous you still having dreams about me?" I asked biting my lip

" yeah every night I dream about fucking you so hard and making you c-"
I cut him off

" woahhhhh chill PG content here now please kiss me now" I said

He pulls me in connecting our lips to each other's

He slowly pulls away
" I miss you lips" he said

It was silent for a few minutes we both were watching these kids playing in the water

I look at Mattia

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he said surprising me

"Yes of course" I turn back around smiling at him

" I'm going to marry you one day I promise" he said kissing my head


This whole chapter is literally mattia and Mia flirting

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now