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Mias POV

Today had been hard

The whole group have classes all day today my mom left this morning

Everything just really hit me today
I could die anytime and I would not get to say goodbye
Or even meet my baby

I want to get out of this hospital
It's been 2 weeks since I've been stuck in here

I have nothing to do when everyone's at school

Feels as if I'm dying slowly

I want to live my life I could be sitting here waiting for my self to get Better but that's not what I want to do

I wish I could get out and live my life and not have to worry but I can't

I'm stuck

Later that day

Mattia walked in
" hey what's wrong why does it look like you've been crying?" He said laying next to me putting my head in his chest

"Nothing" I said Quietly

" come baby tell me?" He said putting his hand under my chin making me look at him

I don't say anything he plays with my hair
I look at Him in the eyes

Tears come down my face
Mattia wipes them of with his hands

" I don't want to be here" I said in almost a whisper

He pulls me closer rubbing my back

" I know put they are helping you get better" he whispered in my ear

" I'm scared"

He kisses my head
" I know it's going to be ok" he said
" what If it isn't?" I asked

He paused
" I promise at one time it will get better I'm never going to leave you and the baby"

" it will get better when I die"I said
" don't say that I would drown in my own head without you" he said

" what if I die?" I asked
" you are not going to die so stop saying that"he said

I look up and see tears falling down his face
I wiped them off with my thumb

" your so cute" he said making me smile like an idiot

" that's the smile I love to see" he said

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now