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Mias POV
2 weeks later

It's been two months and I'm still stuck in here I can't leave

At all

My mental health is so bad right now being stuck in here makes me so nervous

I always see doctors out side my room yelling to get something or code blue which I feel like That will be me one day

Mattia comes over ever day right after school and stays with me tell i fall asleep
I am very thankful for him

He's also sooo cuteee

The baby is doing good she's healthy and Leah my nurse still checks on me every hour

I was chilling out mattias still on school
I finished my online school

Then Leah comes in

" hey Mia how you feeling?" She said

" I'm doing good I'm a little bored" I said
As she did the ultra sound she does every hour

" that's not good" she said

"Yeah tell me a little about you" I said

" ok well I'm 27 I'm married I met my husband at duke University we fell in love and I got pregnant with my first baby girl and I finished College being pregnant and had my baby and I wanted to go to medical school and so when I gave birth I had to stop for awhile and then I came back and worked hard and my husband propose to me 5 years ago I got married and I just had my second baby girl 4 months ago" she said

" that's so cute" I said smiling hoping that would be me one day

" yeah I love them with my whole heart" she said

"What do you do with you baby when you work?" I asked

" well I usually have this babysitter that was one of my good friends but she just got married and moved away so right now me and my husband are talking turns staying home with her" she said

" I could watch her" I said smiling

" wait really?!"

" yeah I need practice for when I have my baby and plus I don't leave this room and I will have something to do"

" that would be so great"

" yes please bring her tomorrow when you get here bring her to me"
I said

"Ok that sounds so good thank you" she said
" anytime also your not paying me at all" I said

"Yes I am" Leah said

" nope I'm here to help you since you always help me IM SO EXCITED" I said

" me too all right I'll be back in an hour and I'll bring her tomorrow " she said walking out

" thanks" I said

I am really excited for something new and I have baby fever even tho I'll have a baby soon
I can't wait I love baby's

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