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Mattias pov

Mia is sleeping on my chest she does not get much sleep anymore because of her pain

Kairi and London walk in

"Hey guys" I said whispering

" hey she's sleeping?" Kairi asked

" yeah she just fell asleep" I said

" Well call us when she walks up we are going to go get some food and we will Bring you some back" London said

" alright I'll text you guys"I said as they left

20 minutes later

Mia is still sleeping I'm playing with her hair when a lady in her late 40s walk in

" hey I'm Mias mother" she said sitting down in the chair

"Hi nice to meet you I would get up put Mia has not slept very good" I said

" oh it's fine how's she doing?"

" she's doing good they have a nurse that checks the baby every hour and she's doing treatments every day she can't walk but she's doing better" I said

" that's good and you are?" She asked

" I'm Mattia" I said knowing what's next

" the one that got my daughter pregnant?" She asked

" yep that's me" I said

" tell me a little about you" she said

" I'm 19 I'm from New Jersey I have one younger brother I am fluent in 3 different languages I'm half Italian and half Mexican"

"That's nice"

I keep getting to know her for the next hour tell Mia started waking up

She wakes up and looks around tell she sees her mom

" hi mom!" She said

" hi baby" she said kissing Mias forehead

" hey how long are you here for?" She said

"For 3 days then I have to go back to work" she said

We continue talking tell all the boys and London walk in

" hey guys this is my mom" Mia said

"Hey nice to meet you I'm London" she said

" oh your the one that called me right?" Mias mom asked

" yep that was me" she said

" thanks for helping her get to the hospital" she said

" we got you guys food I'll put it over here so you guys can eat when you want" Alvaro said

The rest of the night we hung out played some board games and got to hear some story's of Mia when she was little

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now