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Mattias POV
A week later

It's been a week since I asked Mia to be my girlfriend

My family is supposed fly down today and meet Mia

I know she's all nervous about it

We don't have school or any classes for the next few days because there was a teacher issue so he have a few days of

I woke up showered and changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie

I walked into the hospital like always to floor 8 and all the way down the hall to room 203

Mias POV

I look and see mattias there
" hey!" I said sitting up
He kisses my lips cuddling into my chest

An hour later

Mattias laying down next to me I have my head on his chest
I could hear his breathing perfectly

" you know my family's coming today?" He asked

" yeah London helped me shower" I said playing with my fingers

" hey you don't need to be nervous they are going to like you" he said

" what if they don't?" I asked worried

" I promise they will love you" he said kissing my forehead

A little while later
Mattias POV

" baby there at our dorm I need to let them in and I be back ok?" I said

" ok that's good bye" she said

I walk out of the hospital and into my car I drove to our dorm room

They have a hotel room but they can't get in tell 4:00 so they are going to but there stuff in our dorm

I get there and see my mom and ginaluca and my dad

I hug my mom

" hey baby I missed you!" She said I laughed and Hugged Luca

" bro you got a girl now I heard" he Said smirking

" shut up you 13" I said

" hey papa!" I said as I gave him a hug

" hey son we all miss you"

" ok let's take our stuff to my room

We get to my dorm I open it with the key and walk in

" woah how do you have such a bigger place then I remember" my ma said

" I told you remember they gave me and Mia this room because there was no more dorms available" I said

" oh yeah you guys have two rooms and two bathrooms and a kitchen" Luca said

" yep" I said

my mom walks over to where Mias room is
" who's room is this?" She asked
" Mias" I said walking over next to my mom

She opens the door I look in and see it the same way I left it

" do you not go in here?" She said

" no it brings back memories I don't like" I said referring to when we could not get her out of bed

" ok guys let's go to the hospital mid waiting for us" I said

" ok"
We walk to my car and started driving to the hospital

Idk why i feel like something bad is going to happen

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now