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Mias POV

Last night mattia came and I told him about leah's baby and how I'm so excited and I can't wait to have my baby
He was laughing at me

I wake up London had a class at 10 so today she helped me shower and I changed into sweats and a T-shirt and connected back up to the machines

" bye London I'll see you later" I said
" bye have fun I'll be back later" she said leaving

It was now only 7:15 yes I woke up early so I could shower I did some homework

When Leah walks in with a little baby rapped in a pink blanket with little turtles on it

"Omg I'm going to cry" I said she laughed
She hands me the baby And puts the diaper bag down

"She is the cutest baby I've ever seen" I said

" aww thanks so she mostly sits there or sleeps she has bottles in the bag she will start to cry when she's hungry and if you need anything I come in every hour bit you will be fine" she said

" ok thanks I'll let you know if I need anything have a good day at work" I said she left

I look at the baby she's so cute she looks just like her mom

I watch her sleep it makes me so relaxed

A little while later

She's been sleeping this whole time
She started opening her eyes
"Your eyes are so pretty" I said she had the greenest eyes you will ever see

She starts talking to her self
(baby talk/mumbling)

She was just chilling tell she said started whining which I'm pretty sure she was hungry

So I took one of the bottles out of the bag her eyes widened it was so cute

She tried reaching for the bottle I put the water in it and shake it
Once I'm down I put her back on my chest and started drinking and closing her eyes

3 hours later

"How was she?" Leah said walking into the room

" she did perfect she's so cute" I said

" yeah she's super calm" she said

" thanks for letting me watch her bring her tomorrow" I said

"Yeah no problem thanks I will"She said

" bye cutie" I said as she got Rachel(the baby) and walked out of the room

A few hours later

Me and mattia are hanging out he brought me a smoothie

" you never told me about your babysitting today" he said playing with my hair

" it was so fun she's so cute she just sits there" I said

" you better hope our baby is calm" he said laughing

" I was a super calm baby" I said thinking back to my childhood

" I was not" he said laughing

" well great" I said turning and looking him
In the eyes

" can I have a kiss?" I said doing puppy dog eyes

He immediately pulls my chin in connecting out lips to each other's

I pull away
" god you drive me crazy" he said sighing

" you drive me crazy too" I said laying back on his chest

" good to know I'll step up my game" He said smirking

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now