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Third person POV

As the days went on
Mattia was strong for Mia he knew that's the only thing that's going to make him move forward

Mattia sat looking at his ceiling as tears fell down his face
All he wanted was hold Mia he missed her Touch so much
It's been 2 months
Every time he thought about her he would almost die inside all over again

He stood up walking to his corner off his room picking up the red hoodie putting it on and grabbing his sweatpants Mia would wear everyday
Putting them on
And checking on Evelyn she was still sleeping

He run upstairs and told him mom to watch if Evelyn wakes up and that we would be back

He got in his car driving to the spot

Mattia slowly walks and sits down right next to his lover

" I miss you so much I love you why did you have to Leave me" he said putting his face in his knees looking at the grave stone

" I'm going to post you tomorrow and tell everyone how much I love you and everything for the last 9 months Evelyn is doing great she never leaves my side she reminds me of you so much I'm doing good for you I'm really missing your touch I miss going to the hospital and cuddle with you all day and just sit there I miss it so much so much" he said Breaking down again

" I'll be back soon I'm going to stay strong for you and live my life like I know you want me to do I love you Princess" mattia said kissing the grave stone and walking away to his car

"I'm doing this for you Princess" he wiping his tears and driving away

"New chapter nothing I can't handle" mattia said pulling into his driveway

He's strong because that's
what she wanted


Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now