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Third persons pov

Mattia laying on the bed where he lover just died on his chest
He zoned out

One thing was on his mind
He's going to raise Evelyn to be like him mom

He looks up and sees Leah her eyes are watering
he stands up and hugs her crying on her chest

" call me if you need anything at all I'm always here to help with anything at all ok?"
She said wiping her eyes as tears came down her face

" I will I promise" mattia said trying to breath in like Mia taught him

" now go rise that baby to be perfect I know that's what she wanted" Leah said patting his back

Mattia walk and picks up his new born baby
Evelyn laughs
" you sound just like you mommy" he said kissing her forehead

" I'm never leaving you I'm here for you just like you mom was here for me I  promise that nothing bad will ever happen to you I'm gunna miss your mom but your a mini her"

mattia said kissing her forehead walking out of that room he never wanted to go back in

Going back to the room everything leads back to floor 8 room 203

The end

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now