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Mias POV

I work up to mattia cuddling me
I smile and kiss his lips

He slowly opens he's eyes
Once he see me he smiled pulling my chin in to kiss me

"Your so fucking cute you know that?" He asked me

" well i know now" I said laughing
" ok I'll tell you everyday from now on" he said

" perfect" I said

" do you think I can leave the hospital today for an hour" I asked him

" yeah probably what would you want to do?" He asked me

"Can we go back to our dorm and chill" I said with puppy dog eyes

" yeah let's go then" he said kissing my nose making me smile

We get out of the hospital and get into Mattias car
He puts he's hand on my thigh making me blush
I hid my face
" stop I want to see your Beautiful face" he said making me blush even harder

We make it to our dorm building
" wow I have not been her in like 5 months" I said
" yeah it's crazy" he said

He walked out of the car and to my side picking me up and walking in to the building and up the stairs

" this is going to be a workout" I said making him laugh
We finally got to our dorm room on the top floor
Mattia gets his key out and opens the door
Mattia walks in it smells like him now

he puts down on the couch in the living room

And goes to his room to get a hoodie he walks out with the red hoodie I smile

" you remember this" he said laughing

" yep" I said remember after we had sex he gave me that hoodie
He helps me put it on
"It smells like sex" I said laughing

" my favorite sent after your sent" he said smiling like an idiot

He pick me up walking to his room
He lays us in his bed I cuddle into his chest

All the memories came back from that night
Me and Mattia look at each other at the same time

Making us both laugh really hard
" one of the best nights of my life" he said smiling

"We could re-create that again one day" he said smirking

" maybe one day" I said watching his smile get bigger

" mk I'll remember that" he said

" can we make some pasta?!" I asked
" yeah homemade?" He asked

" of course you got to teach me" I said laughing as he picked me up walking to the kitchen

Shits going to go down
I might post more today

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now