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Mattias pov

We were driving and I felt like something bad was going to happen
My Leg starts to shake

My mom puts her hand on my knee
" what's wrong matti?" She asked

" idk I feel like something bad is going to happen" I said

" mattia mia is going to be ok" she said

" everything makes me nervous when I leave her side she's very sick has cancer and two collapsed lungs and she's pregnant" I said looking at my mom seeing her smile

" hey I know it's Nerve racking but it's going to be ok and boy you are soooo in love" she said
Making me laugh

"I'm going to be a dad in less then 3 months mom That's crazy" I said with a smile from ear to ear

" I remember when you were like 7 you would talk about having kids probably 10 times a hour" she said

" always wanted kids now look at me" I said

We pulled up to the hospital
"Ok guys Mia is really nervous about this so be nice" I said Still nervous

We walk into the hospital I saw Leah she waves to me we get to floor 8 and walk all the way down the hallway to room 203 like always

I walk in and see Mia doing a puzzle her mom sent her

She fine mattia you're fine stop worrying

She see us and smiles I walk to her I kiss her forehead

" ok so this is my mom, my dad and my little brother ginaluca but he goes by Luca" I said

My mom walks over to her
" give me a hug" she said making Mia laugh

We all sit down and Mia introduces herself to them and we talked for a while

" ok Mia we will be back we are going to get food my moms going to stay here with you" I said giving her a peck

Me my dad and Luca walk out
Mias POV

Mattias mom and me were talking

" how's your pregnancy going?" She asked

" umm not to bad my nurse comes and checks on me every hour to see if the baby's doing good my belly is huge now the only pain from my pregnancy is just where my collapsed lung was it's bruised really bad" I said

" yeah with my pregnancy with mattia I had high blood pressure and I was in the hospital for most of my pregnancy" she said

" yeah it sucks being stuck in here" I said

" so you and Mattia" she said

I blushed

" come on Mattia talked about you the whole way here he told me how nervous he was when he leaves you"
She said making me smile

" yeah I really do love him he's always been by my side through everything I really love him" I said

She smiled
" he loves you" she said
"He does?"

" yeah I can see it the way he looks at you and when he talks about you he has heart eyes" she said

Damn I need to tell him
I love mattia polibio

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now