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Mias POV

Me and mattias mom were still talking tell they got back with food
I got to know mattias mom

Then they walked in with food
I don't eat tell later because my belly hurts if I eat to much and I ate when they were gone

Mattia got me a smoothie like he always does

They all stay to eat and talk Luca had no where to sit
We had another chair and there was a bunch of stuff on it

Mattia moves and I lay on his lower chest he had his food on his chest so he could eat Luca sits down and we all talk

We played some bored games and I got to hear stories about mattia when he was little

Then they left to go back to their hotel and get some sleep

Mattia staying here tonight
He lays on my chest rubbing his hand on my belly

" what did my mom say to you when I was gone" he said

I smile
" what did she tell you?!" He said

" nothing none of your business" I said laughing

" wait was it something about me?" He asked

" maybe" I said smirking to make it seem like it was something bad

" please tell me"he said with puppies dog eyes

" nope maybe one day I will" I said

" ok fine you have to tell me one day whe-"

I cut him off

" when we're married" I said to finish he's sentence

He looked and me shocked I never really said much about us getting married

" one day" he said kissing my belly

I really do love him

"Have you been posting on social media?" I asked

" nope" he said plopping the p

" why not?" I asked
" because right now that's not my worry I don't really care about it you are my worry and time" he said

" ok if you say sooooooooooooooooo" I said almost singing the o's

" Princess your cute"he said

" thanks bubba" I said
He pulled me into a kiss

" you taste like pomegranate Chapstick" he said playing with my hair

" mmm let me taste it again" he said pulling me into a long and sweet kiss

" put some more chapstick on" he said grabbing the chapstick of the table next to us

I laugh

I love this kid

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now