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Mias POV

" you were talking in your sleep what did you dream about" mattia asked Playing with my hair

" nothing" I said closing my eyes again
" baby you have been sleeping for 3 hours you need to get up the boys went to get us some food they said they will be back soon" mattia said

" fine then tell me about your dream" he said I open my eyes
" fine You what to know about what I was dreaming about?" I asked slowly sitting up and pain filled my body
"Ow" I said
Mattia helped me sit up
" yes Princess tell me what you were dreaming about?" He asked

"You" I said smiling
"Me?" He asked
" yep" I said closing my eyes and laying my head on mattias chest sighing

Mattia was processing what I said
It was silent good silence I could hear mattias heartbeat
It made me very calm

" I love you" I said loud enough for him to hear

I hear his heartbeat increase (I'm so lonely🤤)
He moved his head he brought my head up from my chin I look in his eyes

" I love you too" he said pulling into a kiss
He pulls away looking at me smiling

" stop I'm so in love with you" I said in a whisper voice

" no you stop I'm so in love with you" he said kissing my forehead

" let me listen to your heartbeat" I said patting his chest for him to lay all the way down

He laughs And lays down
I pull his shirt up and put my head under his shirt on his chest
I run my finger tips up and down his chest
A few minutes later I here someone walk in i take my head out of Mattias shirt

I see Leah
" you like it under the shirt?" she said laughing

" hey! It's warm and I can hear his heartbeat" I said

" aww that's cute" she said getting her stuff ready to check me

" yep you should try it is really soothing" I said making them both laugh

Mattia helps me sit up

Leah said her sister moved in with her so she does not need any help with rachael anymore

I pull up my shirt seeing I have a big purple bruise from the shots

" ok does it hurt if I Touch it?"she said touching the bruise
I squint my eyes from the pain

"Ok I'm going to have to try to not go hard but I need to see" she said putting the ultrasound stick on my lower belly

I move my arms and put them on my face trying not to scream

Mattia rubbed my arm making sure I was doing ok
" this is going to hurt" she said as she pushed the little ultrasound stick a little harder

I could feel my baby pushing against the stick
She stops and takes the stick off
" did you feel that?" She asked
" yeah" I said as she kicked again

She kept going and then she stops
" ok she looks good you are doing good" she said

" ok thanks" I said sighing as she walk out
" good job Princess I love you" he said laying back down next to me

" I love you toooooo" I said singing the o part

I lift mattias shirt up and lay my head down
I was clam again

Not your fault ~mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now