Important Author's Note

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I would first like to thank everyone who has supported me by reading and leaving comments on this fanfiction, as well as any who have done the same for "The Christmas Movie". You guys are awesome! 

I hope that soon I will be updating multiple fanfictions a week, which is why I haven't been updating anything at all lately. For the next few months (unless inspiration hits me sooner or later) I will be working on whatever fanfictions I feel like writing. After I have written several chapters of each, I'll start to post an update of each fanfiction once a week until it is finished.

I had continued to work on multiple fanfictions again a little while ago. The bonus stories of "The Christmas Movie", "Miraculous- The Proposal", and this one are the firsts on my lists to finish. However, when reading through the earlier chapters of this fanfiction and comparing it to the others I am working on, I have come to decide that this fanfiction will not continue.

Yes, that's right. I am no longer going to update this fanfiction.

Wait! I'm not exactly ending it! I'm going to rewrite it completely! Instead of first person, the entire story will be written in third person. And as I rewrite it, I'm adding new details to make some chapters longer, and maybe changing up some scenes because I want a change at some parts.

I'm not deleting this version off of Wattpad because:

1. I love reading everyone's comments! You guys are so funny and it honestly brightens my day when I read a new comment. I don't want to delete the comments that are here, and that's why I'm not just replacing the old chapters with the rewritten ones or deleting the whole story.

2. I want to compare the old to the new. This is the same reason I haven't deleted "Truth or Dare" from my old account. 

So! When I start updating my fanfictions again, there will be a new story a similar cover, but same title, that will replace this one. I hope you all read it when it comes out!

I am not exactly sure when I will start updating again, but I assure you all that I am still writing and I don't plan to stop writing anytime soon. Make sure to follow me for updates, or ask questions through comments or private messaging. It might be delayed, but I will reply!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas (or happy holiday, whatever you might have celebrated) and I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

(Let's hope that 2021 is better than 2020, yes?)

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