Chapter 10

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I just know all of you reading this will LOVE it!
I look forward to your comments

Marinette's POV

"Today's the day! He went to England for a whole two years! Can you believe it?"

"Yes, Rose." I chuckled softly. "We've heard you say the same thing for a few days now."

"I just can't believe he's coming home!" Rose squealed.

Alya shook her head as she laughed. "You sound more excited than Juleka does, and he's her brother!"

Rose shrugged it off as she continued smiling, and Juleka snickered softly. "He's like a brother to me too." The blonde girl said. "I don't have siblings so he's the closest I've got to one."

"That's sweet." Alya smiled. "That's kind of like how Marinette is with my younger sisters. They love her like she's another older sister of theirs."

"Really?" I asked in slight surprise. "I had no idea."

"Oh yeah." She reassured me. "They absolutely love you."

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly in embarrassment as I smiled. I didn't realize that Alya's younger sisters were so fond of me. I was caught up in my thoughts when I was suddenly brought back to reality by Juleka.

"Sorry, girls." She said, putting her phone away. "I've got to head home and help my mom get ready for Luka's homecoming party, which you all are invited to by the way."

"Awesome!" Rose exclaimed happily. "Can I come with you, Juleka? I want to help out!"

Juleka shrugged. "Sure, I guess." She said then looked at Alya and I. "What about you two?"

"I've got babysitting duty." Alya said. "But I'll be sure to come by for that party."

"I've fallen behind on my homework." I said. "Sorry, Juleka. I'll come for the party though."

"It's cool." Juleka smiled. "See you later. Come on, Rose."

Alya and I watched them go for a moment before she turned to me with a teasing smile. "Thinking about Adrien all during class again and fell behind, hmm?"

I blushed deeply at her assumption, mainly because she was exactly right. "So? What if I did?"

Alya burst out laughing. "I knew it!" She said. "You are hopeless! Just tell the boy how you feel already!"


"I mean, we both know that he has a thing for Ladybug, but you're so much cooler. We have to get him to realize that!" Her hand gestures were out of control. She gets this way when explaining something she's passionate about. "And we do that by making him understand that you want to be more than friends."


"I can just see it now!" She paused, and I sighed quietly with exasperation as she held up her hands as if looking through a picture frame. "Adrien and Marinette. Front cover of Gabriel Agreste's fashion magazine, showing the new couple, Adrienette!"

My face turned a darker shade of red as I blushed in embarrassment. "Alya!"

Finally, she came out of this fantasy and looked at me. "What?" She asked innocently.

"If you're going to fantasize about my love life, keep your volume down!"

Alya blinked at me a few times. "No one else is close enough to hear us, Marinette." She told me, gesturing around us. It was true; there wasn't anyone who would've been within earshot of us. The bench we were sitting on at the park was plenty far enough away from the closest bench, and the closest people to us were walking by, deep in a conversation of their own.

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