Chapter 8

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I hope y'all really enjoy this chapter!

Adrien's POV

There's no hope for me. I can't get her out of my mind.

How am I supposed to defeat her?

"Kagami." I lowered my voice so no one could hear but her. "You see that girl over there, with the dark brown hair?"

"Mhmm." Kagami hummed her response.

"She's really good."

"Yes." She agreed without a pause. "Yes, she is."

"How am I supposed to duel against her?" I asked, turning my head away from the girl to look at Kagami. "She's undefeated."

"But so are you." She said as she returned my gaze.

We were both quiet for a moment as we looked into each other's eyes. It was the first time I noticed that her stare was so intense, and it made me feel something different, something I'd never really felt about her before.

"I believe in you, Adrien." She said, a small smile forming on her lips. "I know you can beat her."

"Thanks." I managed to get out as I was at a loss for other words. I didn't know what I should say to her, or if there even needed to be more said. Thankfully, it was announced for my match to begin soon, and I had to make final preparations.

"I'll be rooting for you!" Kagami called after me as I walked away. I tried to ignore the feeling that almost seemed to overwhelm me now.


Marinette's POV

"I hope Adrien does well today." I muttered as I absentmindedly made a sketch of a random design on my notepaper.

"So you've said." Alya snickered with a lowered voice.

I looked up at her, leaving my head rested on the arm I had laying on the desk. "I can't help it." I sighed. "I can't stop thinking about him."

Alya rolled her eyes teasingly. "You still can't get over him." She teased quietly. "Even though you already know that he's pining for another."

If only you knew what I knew, Alya.

I shrugged in response. "I just can't seem to get over him." I said. "There's no one who's ever made me feel the way he does."

"Ever?" Alya questioned suspiciously. "No one has ever made you lost for words like Adrien has? I doubt that."

"It's true!" I insisted, but even as I said it, I had to admit that I didn't entirely believe myself.

Has there been someone else who has made me feel anything close to what I feel for Adrien?

Chat Noir.

The answer hit me hard, and it was so unexpected that I couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment. I quickly turned my head away from Alya in hopes she wouldn't notice. Thankfully, at that very moment, the bell rang, signaling our release from school.

I practically sprinted out of the classroom, hoping to avoid any confrontations with Alya, and dashed into the nearest bathroom. I hurriedly locked myself in a stall so no one would see me, then waited several minutes before I was sure the last girl had left.

Slowly, I opened the stall door and peeked around. No one was in the bathroom with me. I walked quickly to the door and cracked it open. There were only a few people around, but no one seemed interested in going into the bathroom.

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