Chapter 19

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A/N: I know this one is on the short side, but I got all I wanted in this chapter in, and I didn't really want to put anything else in because it'll be in chapter 20.. And it would leave you guys a cliffhanger.

Marinette's POV

I could remember how I felt about Adrien when we were playing Paranoia with Alya and Nino. That had been about a week and a half ago. I remember us making eye contact, and enjoying the queasy feeling I had. I remember telling myself that I knew I still had feelings for him even though I was moving on.

Despite knowing how I felt about him then, I knew that as I looked at him now, those feelings had gone.

I have no idea why he was acting so weird for the last week, but it was getting rather annoying. He never stayed around me longer than he needed to, he always seemed really jumpy, and he never looked at me if we ever talked, though most of the time he completely ignored me.

I asked Alya a few days ago what had happened after I left the game to get that book, but she only grinned at me and refused to answer. I can only assume the worst happened.

I'm guessing that it somehow got out that I had a crush on Adrien. That would explain why he hasn't been comfortable around me. The poor guy probably feels bad for having to turn me down, but I didn't expect anything else really.

Maybe that's why we're sitting in the library together in awkward silence. Adrien seemed beyond nervous as he looked down at the book between us, and I had a queasy feeling, but this time it wasn't a good feeling at all. I felt bad, seeing him so worked up over whatever happened. Maybe I should just clear things up.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at him and started to explain. "Look, Adrien, I don't know what Alya or Nino may or may not have told you, but I don't understand why you've been acting so weird lately."

"I'm not acting weird." Was his only reply, and by his tone, he still seemed that he would have rather been anywhere else.

"Yes, you are." I told him. "I don't know why you won't look or talk to me, but it's not like you."

Adrien went quiet but still wouldn't look at me and I frowned at him. "Exactly my point..." I muttered as I looked back down at the table. I slouched back in my seat and crossed my arms, not knowing what to do.

I really wanted to just leave him there. It was obvious he really didn't need help with his homework, so I don't know why I was still sitting next to him, and yet I did know why. I want to know what happened to him, not just the boy I used to have a crush on, but the boy I considered to be one of my best friends.

"What did they tell you?" I asked, turning my head sideways to look at him accusingly.

Adrien turned his head and looked at me in surprise. "W-What?"

"You heard me." I said, and I know I didn't sound particularly happy with him, because I wasn't. "What did Alya and Nino tell you?"

"N-Nothing!" He replied quickly, and I could tell he was becoming more nervous, making my eyes narrow. "They told me nothing!"

"Don't lie to me, Adrien." I said, my tone becoming bitter with how frustrated I was with him. "They told you something. Something that's unsettled you, and now you never want to be around me."

"What?" He asked in surprise. "Marinette, that's not-"

"True?" I offered bitterly, cutting him off. "Right. Because you totally haven't been acting like I'm someone you want to avoid. What did they tell you?"

Adrien went quiet again and he looked defeated. I looked at him for a moment, waiting for an answer, but after some time went by, I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief, looking away from Adrien as I started to gather my things.

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