Chapter 17

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Marinette's POV

I suppose Tikki was right when she tried telling me that I was falling for Chat Noir, and that perhaps I really was finally moving on from Adrien. That was okay, wasn't it? I mean, it's obvious he sees me as nothing more than a friend, so maybe it's going to be just fine if that's all there is.

Now, I just need to tell Luka that I won't need that song written for Adrien anymore. I've thought it over and decided to let him use the melody he helped me create as part of a new album for his band. I seriously doubt I'd be able to tell Chat Noir that I'm starting to like him with a song without him making some sort of big deal, going around saying, 'Ladybug wrote me a song!'

That's the last thing I need Alya posting on the LadyBlog.

As I sat in class, these thoughts running through my head, I found myself smiling slightly at the thought of seeing Chat Noir's reaction when he learns his lady has finally fallen for his charm. It'll make him so happy, and when I fully get over Adrien, it won't hurt anyone. It's not like he likes me, so I won't be hurting him.

By holding onto the feelings I had for him, I was only hurting myself. It's about time I let go.

I was taken out of my thoughts about the two blonds in my life when I felt an elbow nudge my arm. I turned my head to see Alya smirking at me.

"What?" I questioned, my eyebrows knitting in my confusion and amusement.

"Don't you try denying the way you were looking at him." Alya smirked, eyes flicking in Adrien's direction, and I couldn't help but roll mine in response with an amused smile.

"I was not looking at Adrien." I said. "If I was, it wasn't on purpose."

Alya narrowed her eyes at me skeptically. "Is that so?"

I looked at her before letting out a small, quiet sigh. I forgot I haven't exactly told Alya about my change of feelings about him. How could I anyway? It's not like I could tell her I've started having feelings for Chat Noir instead. I could try to play it off as some celebrity crush since he's 'saved' me a few times, but she knows I'm not one to fall for someone because of that.

I'd have to admit to her that Chat's been paying me visits, which she will demand I tell her all about in full detail. That also means I'd also have to tell her about what happened a few nights ago when Chat almost...


I will NOT think about that. Not now.

"I knew it." Alya said, and I realized that I had in fact started blushing, but not for the reason she assumed. "You were looking at him, and now you're embarrassed that you've been caught."

"Alya, keep your voice down." I said quickly, my eyes flicking to Adrien, desperately hoping he hadn't heard any part of our conversation. "I was not looking at him."

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