Chapter 14

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Adrien's POV

I sighed softly as I fought the urge to turn around and look behind me. It was very tempting, but I couldn't give in. After I sighed, I heard an echoed sigh to my left.

"Dude." Nino said in a hushed voice. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." I replied easily, but I didn't have to look at him to know he didn't believe me.

He took a few seconds before he finally responded to me though. "You've been saying that a lot, you know. I don't think it's nothing."

He's right. It isn't nothing. I don't know why or what's been going on, but Marinette and Luka have been spending a lot of time together lately, and I don't like it. I really, really, don't like it. But the thing is, I don't know why.

I didn't respond to Nino. I couldn't. Especially when I didn't even know why I was acting up either.

Thankfully the class was dismissed not too long after. I stood up as Ms. Mendeleiev was finishing her last thoughts on the lesson and reminding us of our homework, putting my bag over my shoulder. I really didn't want to have any other questions about what was going on with me.

I had just taken a step out of the classroom doorway when suddenly someone rushed past me. I instantly knew who is was when I watched her hurry away. I could recognize those pigtails anywhere.

A few seconds after Marinette was out of sight, another came rushing by, but this time she stopped not too far away from me. "Marinette!"

I continued walking, but stopped when Alya sighed heavily and muttered. "Why is that girl spending so much time with that boy...?"

"She has, hasn't she." I said letting out another small sigh as I looked towards where I had last seen her. After a second I turned to look at Alya and saw that she was crossing her arms and staring off in the same direction I had just been looking.

"You don't know why?"

"Well..." Alya started, letting her arms swing at her side as she turned slightly and looked at me. "Yeah. Of course, I know. But, I don't understand why she's seeming to blow everyone else off."

I nodded slightly before looking back towards where she was looking, and suddenly I had a thought cross my mind. "She seems to like him.. Doesn't she."

"What?" Alya questioned quickly and I looked at her to see her looking at me in surprise. "No, no she doesn't. That's not it."

I was still looking at her questioningly, not understanding why else Marinette would be as willing to spend time with Luka if she didn't like him, but slowly Alya's expression changed from a curious one to a small smirk. "Why do you ask?"

"What?" I asked as a response, confused with the look she was giving me and the question.

"Okay, let me rephrase that." She said, crossing her arms again and moving her feet so she was fully facing me. She, of course, was still smirking at me. "Why did you ask like that? You almost sounded... Disappointed."

"Disappointed?" I asked. "Why would I be disappointed? If Marinette likes Luka, it's fine. It's not like there'd be anything I could do about it."

"Why would you even think about doing anything about it?" Alya asked, her smirk only growing. "You've pretty much said it shouldn't matter to you who the girl likes. Unless... It actually does matter to you?"

"What?" I questioned again, starting to sound rather defensive, even to myself. "What? No! It's not like I like her, so of course it doesn't matter."

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