Chapter 7

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I loved the comments from last chapter. I knew mentioning the arrival of Luka would get  reaction out of you guys. I hope you all enjoy this one too.

Adrien's POV

A few weeks have passed since Ladybug had talked to me about the guy she likes and I'm still kicking myself for telling her not to give up on him. It would have been so easy to tell her to just give up on him and hope that she'd fall for me, and I still don't know why I didn't do that.

I keep asking myself if I should try to get over Ladybug now that she might get this guy to show interest in her too, but I can't see that happening. I just can't get her out of my mind long enough to consider changing targets.

But how could I change targets if I still believe there's a chance for me?

"Adrien, you're doing it again."

I snapped out of my thoughts to realize that I had the tip of an epee pressed against my chest. I looked down at the point and followed the bend in the sword to the person holding it.

"I'm sorry." I said, and I could feel my cheeks blush in my embarrassment. "I just... I have a lot on my mind."

"Understandable. I mean we do have that big fencing tournament coming up."

That may be true, but that's the last thing on my mind. "Right." I said.

I heard a small chuckle as the fencing mask came off, revealing the dark haired girl. "Maybe we should take a break." She said after shaking her head to get the hair out of her face.

I nodded in agreement and I lifted my mask to reveal my face. "That sounds like a good idea." I said with a smile. "Thanks, Kagami."

She smiled at me in amusement as she started to stretch out her arms. "All the way off, Agreste." She told me. "We are taking a break, not a short rest."


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I rolled my eyes playfully but took off my fencing mask. "Fine." I said as I put it on the ground next to hers. "Happy?"

"Very." She said teasingly before lightly punching my arm. "Now come on. You can tell me what's really on your mind."

I looked at her. "It's just that tournament." I lied smoothly. I hate lying, but I've gotten good at it because of my alter ego. "Don't worry about it."

"If it is the tournament, I will worry about it." Kagami told me as she lowered her arms, showing that she was finished stretching them. "I don't want you to be worried or nervous about it because then you won't do as well."

I opened my mouth to protest but she wasn't finished.

"And don't you tell me that you're the best fencer here." She said. "It might be true, but we're going up against others who are just as good of fencers as you and I. Collège Françoise Dupont's fencing team can't afford to have you slacking."

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