Chapter 5

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Marinette's POV

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I blinked a few times and slowly smiled. I sat up in bed and stretched my arms over my head. I haven't slept that well in quite a while.

Chat Noir had made me feel better after what Chloe told me yesterday. After he gave me the rose, he stayed until he convinced me that Chloe lied about Adrien thinking those things about me.

I put my arms down and turned my head to look at the red flower in its vase on my desk. It really is beautiful, and I could tell that it was freshly picked. It smelled wonderful.

Where did he get them? It wasn't the first time he's given me a rose. Is there a flower shop that he visits to choose out a flower for a girl he flirts with or who needs her spirits lifted?

I shook my head slightly to clear my head. It wasn't the time to think about that rose, Chat Noir, or his visit. I had school to go to.

Surprisingly enough, I was early. I guess having a good night of sleep can do that to you, but I won't complain.

I was sitting in my seat in the classroom as I waited for others to show up. I was a good ten minutes early, so I decided to write in my diary about Chat's visit, and the fact I got to school early.

During the next few minutes a few of my classmates showed up. Juleka and Rose, Max, Ivan and Mylene, and then Alya. Everyone was surprised to see me earlier than usual, but Alya had the best reaction.

"Wow!" She grinned as she sat next to me and put her things down. "So no sleeping in, no before school deliveries, and no last minute designs? I'm impressed!"

I smiled and nodded proudly until she added: "And no dreams of Adrien?"

My face flushed instantly as my eyes darted around at the others in the room. By now a few more had come in. "Alya!" I whisper-shouted. "Keep your voice down, will you?"

"Sorry." Alya snickered quietly, and even though she lowered her voice, I could tell she didn't really mean her apology. "But you know what I'm getting at. When you dream about him, you make yourself oversleep in hopes of staying in that dream."

I looked away in embarrassment, but couldn't help but smile slightly. "You know me so well."

"I'm just relieved you didn't take what Chloe said to heart." Alya continued. "About Adrien thinking-"

"Yeah." I interrupted quickly. I didn't need a reminder. "Chloe says a lot of things that aren't true. Why would this be any different?"

"That's my girl." Alya smiled proudly at me.

Our attention went to the blonde who entered the classroom next and our smiles faded.

"Speak of the devil." Alya muttered to me as we watched the girl go to her seat. Her ginger shadow scampered in not long after and took her place next to the blonde.

I decided to ignore her, and was just getting into a new conversation with Alya about Ladybug when I suddenly, unintentionally lost all interest in what she was saying as my eyes glued to the blond. A stupid smile came on my face.

Alya abruptly stopped talking and smirked at me. "I'll tell you more about it later."

"Uh-huh." I answered blankly as I noticed the red rose that he was holding behind his back. Was it for me? I had gotten one from Chat, but was I about to get one from Adrien?!

Any hope I had of receiving a flower from him crashed as fast as it had risen. He had walked to Chloe's desk, gave her that dashingly handsome smile of his, and held out the flower for Chloe.

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